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2017-01-25 CC Minutes - Approved
City Council
2017-01-25 CC Minutes - Approved
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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />January 25, 2017 <br />Engineer Statz introduced Jonathan Simons, P.E. to the Council stating that he will be assisting him <br />with projects in the future. Engineer Statz reviewed the letter that was prepared for Council reflecting <br />the receipt of seven (7) bids for the work. Engineer Statz stated that typically the City has waited to <br />determine whether the project is financially feasible, and following public input for the assessment <br />hearing. He stated that the public hearing is required for the 429 assessment process and felt that with <br />the receipt of seven (7) bids they were competitive. <br />Council Member Koski questioned funding for the trail portion of the project. Engineer Statz stated <br />that the trail portion would not be assessed to benefiting property owners; only the roadways. He <br />explained that by State Statute, the City is allowed to assess the benefiting property owner the value <br />of the increase to the home due to the project. He also explained that residents as a whole would be <br />paying 20-25% of the project and in years past $500-$550 which has been acceptable to residents. <br />Council Member King stated that he did not remember discussing where the funding for the trails <br />would come from. Mayor Paar stated that trails are included in the Road Fund and that is where the <br />funds will be expended from. Council Member King requested that a separate dollar figure be <br />provided for the roadway portion and trail portions of the project. Mr. Simons stated that it would be <br />about $50,000 for the trails but actual numbers would be available at Council next meeting. <br />Council Member Montain suggested that the City work in conjunction with abutting municipalities or <br />entities when completing trail projects as some of the trails intertwine. Council Member Montain <br />stated that it would be disheartening to overlay a trail that connects to another community who does <br />not believe it is a priority to maintain trails or have funding to do so. Engineer Statz stated that the <br />City could attempt to do so, however it was important that Council understood that other <br />communities and entities have different regulations regarding expenditures of funds. <br />Motion by Council Member Love, seconded by Council Member King to Adopt Res. #17-005 — <br />Receivin2 Bids, Ordering Improvement, Declaring Costs to be Assessed, Ordering Preparation <br />of Proposed Assessment & Calling for a Public Hearing on 2017 Street Mill & Overlay Proiect <br />as presented. All in favor. Motion carried. <br />2. State of the City Report — Mayor Jeff Paar <br />Mayor Jeff Paar provided Council with a presentation of the current financial position of the City <br />thanks to the City Financial Advisor, Northland Securities. He noted the important contributions of <br />Centennial School District/Centerville Elementary, Centennial Fire District and Centennial Lakes <br />Police Departments within the past year. He discussed the 2017 Mill and Overlay Project which <br />includes several roads and trails. He stated that the majority of the funding 75-80% of that project <br />would be made with Franchise Fees received from utility companies and the City's Road Fund. He <br />also stated that the community is strong with events like Fete des Lacs thanks to the Centerville Lions <br />and the Parks & Recreation Committee with their Music the Park Series', skate nights, 5K/8K <br />Run/Walks, and other events. Mayor Paar reviewed available City owned properties that are <br />currently being marketed for sale by broker Mr. Mike Brass, Colliers. He updated Council on new <br />businesses coming to town like Ruffridge Johnson Equipment Company, Rumble Industries, LLC, <br />Ready Landscaping, Inc. and a Lino Lakes company names Distribution Alternatives. He also stated <br />that United Properties has an option to purchase all Rehbein property. He also stated that 866 homes <br />are slated north of the City along CSAH54/201h Avenue North with construction in the Spring. He <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />
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