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April 26, 2017 <br />Mike Ericson <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Reference: City of Centerville local Water Plan <br />organizations. If necessary, we will update the LWP to clearly define the <br />process by which amendments are made to the LWP that follow the watershed <br />organizations' procedures. <br />x. Technical Appendices: The following maps are included in the appendix of <br />the City's LWP: Location Map; USGS Topographic Map; NRCS Soils Map; <br />National Wetland Inventory mapping; MLCCS Land Cover Map; Existing Land <br />Use Plan; 203o Future Land Use Plan; Zoning Map; Floodplain Map; Storm <br />Sewer & Drainage Basin Map; and the Capital Improvement Plan Map. We <br />envision changes to these maps being minor updates. We will work with the <br />City to verify any changes that must be made to these maps and coordinate with <br />the City's comprehensive land use plan team to obtain their updated land use <br />plan and 2040 future land use plan for the report. We will include the City's <br />SWPPP as technical appendix, as well as MnDNR approved Floodplain & <br />Shoreland ordinances, if applicable. Currently the following codes are included <br />in the City's LWP: City Code Chapter 157: Erosion Control; City Code Chapter <br />155: Flood Damage Prevention; and City Code Section 156.133: Special <br />Provisions Related to Development or Building on Lands within loo Feet of <br />Centerville Lake, Peltier Lake, or Clearwater Creek. We will work with the City <br />to identify any other codes that are applicable to this LWP and attach it as part <br />of the LWP. <br />4. LOCAL WATER PLAN REPORT DELIVERABLE <br />a. Prepare a user-friendly report that can be read by a non-technical audience yet still <br />provides sufficiently detailed technical data for use by the City in storm sewer <br />planning. <br />b. Include graphics, figures and maps to clarify items discussed in the report. <br />c. Provide draft and final reports as follows: <br />i. First draft for City staff review <br />ii. Second draft for submittal to watersheds and Metropolitan Council <br />1. Respond to review comments and update report accordingly <br />iii. Final report for City approval and use <br />d. Prepare a separate reproducible summary suitable for public distribution. <br />e. Present the results of the report at a City Council or other public meeting, at the City's <br />direction. <br />COMPENSATION AND SCHEDULE <br />Stantec proposes to provide the City of Centerville with professional engineering services <br />required to provide the services described herein regarding the Local Water Plan. Upon <br />receiving authorization to proceed with the project, Stantec will set up a kickoff meeting and <br />Design with community in mind <br />91 <br />