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City of Centerville <br /> Parks&Recreation Committee <br /> October 4,2017 <br /> Chairperson Waeghe stated that about 90 people attended Movie in the Park and <br /> that more popcorn will need to be ordered from Committee Member Bettinger <br /> before the next event. City Clerk Bender stated that she will contact Chris. <br /> Committee Member Peterson stated that the mosquitos were terrible and that <br /> should be looked into some type of control for next year. <br /> 2. Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park Skate Park Ramp Request for <br /> Replacement <br /> Public Works Director, Paul Palzer, who was not in attendance, had previously <br /> stated that he would have the summer help report back on the problem that was <br /> reported and would report back to the Committee in the Summer of 2018. <br /> Committee Member Grahek asked if the ramp could be tightened and if ramp is <br /> deemed dangerous, could a sign be posted? City Clerk Bender stated that staff <br /> would make sure the ramp is removed if it is deemed un-safe. <br /> Committee Member Seeley asked if Public Works could look at it early to <br /> determine if the ramp is safe or unsafe and to have it fixed by summer. <br /> Committee Member Peterson requested that this issue be put on April's Agenda <br /> and report back with an update and then take action to verify or complete action <br /> on the ramp condition. <br /> VI. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1. Possibilities for Hockey Rink Housing Pickleball Court <br /> Committee Member Grahek questioned if the court was painted, would it affect <br /> the ice and that she heard that light colored paint would not affect the ice. <br /> Discussion continued regarding utilizing a tennis court, and to use different <br /> colored paint for the Pickleball court. Committee Member Grahek stated that <br /> specific dimensions and location should be determined. Committee Member <br /> Seeley suggested tabling this issue until Vice-Chairperson Kevin Amundsen is in <br /> attendance and to keep this on the November's Agenda. <br /> _Motion by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Chairperson Waeghe <br /> to Table the Item Until November. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> 2. Minnesota Distance Running Association—Date for 2018 Fete des <br /> Lacs? <br /> The deadline to have the date included in the MDRA is October 15 which is <br /> before the next Fete des Lacs meeting scheduled for October 16 when the date <br /> will be determined for 2018. Brief discussion followed determining that there is <br /> a possibility that the committee will not orchestrate the Festival of Lakes <br /> 8K/5K/Kids Run and whoever takes it over would handle all advertising. <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br />