Laserfiche WebLink
<br />The fonowing procedures apply to all electronic media, data, and services, whiCh ate: <br />. . <br /> <br />A) Accessed on ot from City ptemises; <br />B) Accessed using City computet equipment, or via City-paid a~ methods; <br />C) Used in a mariner that identifies the indiVidual with'the 'City. <br /> <br />22.2 Authorization <br /> <br />An Employee must sign a statement acknowledg1ng that they have read, un,detstand, <br />and agree to comply with this policy. . No Employee will be authorized to use <br />electronic, media ot semcesuntil they have signed the appropriate statement and <br />.retumed it to the Personnel Office. <br /> <br />22.3 Inappropriate Material <br /> <br />~etaI: Electronic media may not be used fot knowingly fftn~itting, retrieving <br />otsto~ of any comniunications of a ~1Tl1n~tOJ:Y ot hatassing nature, ot which <br />ate detogatoty to any individual ot grouP, ot which ate obscene or sexually explicit, <br />ot are of a defamatoty' o.r thteate1rlOg nature, o.r fo.r "chain lettets," o.r for any other <br />pw:pose which i,s illegal o.r against City policy o~ detrimental to the City's teputation. <br />mectronic media may not be Used fot personal use .relating 'to political, .religious, o.r <br />personal financial ptofit. <br /> <br />22.4 Personal Use Limitations <br /> <br />General: Electtonic media and SeMces ate primari1y fot City: business Use. T .11Tl1t~ <br />occasional ot incidental use of'electtonic media (sending' or.receiving) fot personal, <br />non-business pmposes done on the Employee'spetsonal time is ~tandable and <br />accep~le - as is't4e case with. personal phone calls. However, Employees need to <br />demonStrate a sense of resPonsibility and may not abuse the privilege. Such personal <br />uSe must not consume large amounts of City .resourCeS. Employees using e1ect:rOnicrmedia and services fot petsonaluse waive any claims to privacy .regarding that usage. <br />Any costs by the Citf due to personal use (such as printirig costs, pet- <br />minute Intemet 'fees or ceD.uW: phone:'cha.tges) must be paid by the Employee. <br />Excessive petsonal use will be detetmined by the individual Employee's supervisor, <br />arid may subject the Employee to disciplinaty action. <br /> <br />Personal Software: Personal software can significantly impact the operation of City <br />equipment. Consequently, the ins~tion and use of privately owned software is <br />allowed only: when approved in advance' by the Technology Manager ot City <br />Administratot.,.,This includes downloading sOftware from internet sites. Games ate <br />not considered'to be appropriate software fot City computet equipment. Ifallowed, <br />all petsonal, softw~ including screensavers and, must be legally <br />purchased ap.d p.roperly licensed'to the Employee. A, copy of the license must be <br />located in the Employee's office. 'Personal software and data may be .removed, <br />Without warning at ,any time. The City is 'not tesponsible for the back-up ot teCOvety <br /> <br />42 <br />