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6/2/2006 8:53:01 AM
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6/2/2006 8:52:56 AM
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<br /> <br />(NotebodI..~frompage 1) <br />Q. Can the final proposal be different? <br />A. You bet. this is. a draft proposal and Is not final until Council votes. Just ,ask the folks at City Hall to send you the draft <br />goals proposal. Input can be received up to about May 5. Send your thoughts to City Hall marked Attention: Goals. If you <br />like the ideas or dislike them please say so. If you have alternative ideas we want to h~ from you. <br /> <br />Money and Taxes <br />Q. <br />A. <br /> <br />I am at the limit of what I can afford for taxes. Aren't you spending a lot of money? <br />Very good question! The first page of the draft proposal states, each goal must be: <br />"Implemented without ,."" taGS". ' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Contrary to some published reports, the money will come from the existing General Fund Budget adopted by the previous <br />CounciL On April 24, Council will hold a workshop to examine the existing budget and identify funds that could be used to <br />support the goals. <br />Currently, the City General Fund Contingency Is at approximately 75%. The City Auditor recommends a 40% General <br />Fund Contingency and Council will probably be a bit more conservative than that and maintain a 50% reserve. this Is impor- <br />tant because the City receives revenue only twice each year. Enough money must remain in the Contingency Reserve to pay <br />the bills for up to 6 months. Cities that are not as well managed as CenterYille end up borrowing money to make ends meet <br />and that costs taxpayers. interest. The contingency is one of the General Fund areas we will be discussing on April 24. <br /> <br />Q. If the proposal Is adopted can you sustain the programs Into the future or Is this a one-time effort? <br />A. The goals are a roadmap for the next 2-year period. Money and emphasis will be placed on the future budgets for 200 I <br />and 2002 as well as the current budget. <br /> <br />Q. You talk about future year budgets. Might we see some tax relief? <br />A. Council will begin deliberations on next year's budget in August. I promise that you will get a budget proposal that identi- <br />fies where the money will come from and how it will be spent in plain English and I will ask for your input and what is Important <br />to you. <br />this Council and past Councirs have tried to emphasize economic development. We have property east of 20'" Avenue <br />zoned for commercial and industrial uses. Business Is choosing to locate in Centerville and that is one way to reduce the tax " <br />burden not only for residents but the entire Centennial School District. . <br />Secondly, I am very aware that as houses appreciate, your taxes can go up even though the City did not raise the rate of <br />taxation. Council will focus on these tax rates starting in August. <br /> <br />Parks, Recreation, Gardens and More <br /> <br />Q. You have several proposals that talk about La Motte Park. Can you explain this In greater detail? <br />A. Sure. Let's start off with the ice rink/skateboard rink proposaL The Parks and Recreation Committee did extensive re- <br />search on the subject and held an open house with residents last faiL The proposal Is to make the ice skating rink into a dual- <br />purpose facility, that during winter will be used ,as a hockey rink and other times of the year as a roller blade/skate board rink. <br /> <br />Every time a new house is built in Centerville the developer pays a fee into a fund dedicated for park facilities or to purchase <br />parkland. This special fund will pay for the ice/skate rink and to provide electricity to La Motte Park based on the recommen- <br />dation of both the Park and Recreation and Fete de Lacs Committees. The fund will not exist once the City is completely built. <br />The City asked for grant money to build a concession stand and playground equipment from the state. <br /> <br />Q. You talk about summer camps, swimming at Centemlle beach, YMCA and a host of other recreation <br />Items. What about existing programs? Are they going away? <br />A. Certainly not. Existing programs such as Little League, soccer and hockey would all continue just as they do now. To aug- <br />ment those programs the City might partner with other cities or vendors to provide recreational opportunities. The Parks and <br />Recreation Committee is working on these recommendations and already has some ideas ready to be implemented. The idea <br />of using CenterYille Beach (Anoka County Park) is to provide a safe place to swim. When I was a kid (long ago) summer was <br />always spent swimming. The City can enter into an agreement with the County to offer this opportunity to all our citizens. <br />The YMCA is paid for by signing up for the camps and City money Is not used for that purpose. The iong-range question is <br />what services do residents wand <br /> <br />Q. Gardens? <br />A. OK. I admit it. This was one of those 4 AM in the morning thoughts that go on paper. The feedback I am getting is posi- <br />tive. A small fee can help defray the cost of getting the dirt and associated costs. We are looking at the area behind City Hall. <br />but a number of sites could be tilled. Let's dig dirt! <br />
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