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1996 - Spring
City Council
1996 - Spring
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6/5/2006 10:38:35 AM
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6/5/2006 10:38:30 AM
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<br /> <br />Safety Rules for Tornadoes <br />and Severe Thunderstorms <br />Reminder to CeaterviIIe Rl8icIeats 1hat tomado selIIIlIIl will be 1IpCID us SOOIL Please beware ofthreateaiDgweather1hat coutcl eft'ec:l our <br />"'.,....lIl1ity. Be in tuIletoweather ooncIitiomI.listal to1he racIio. TV ancl the CealerviIIe sinD. Take appropriate action for you and your <br />family's sa&:ty. Take a mimateartwollOW ancl OIp1aiDto your c:hikfnIl whatto do in1he ewat ofa tomado - a minuteortwollOW could <br />save you t1IIJIf/oryour family's lives later. <br />TORNADO W CH: It meaDS weather conditions are favorable for the formation oftomadoes. Be alert and stay i11formed of <br />cha"li1\g weather conditions. <br />SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH: It meaDS weather c:onditions are favorable for severe tInmderstonDs including <br />high winds, bail, heavy raiD, ligJrtni1\g and tornado formation. Be alert and stay iDfotmed of ~ftg weather conditions. <br />TORNADO WARNING: It meaDS a tornado has been sighted. Seek shelter i~satP.ty. Do not wait for a warning signal. <br />Take a portable radio with you to keep infoImed of c~g weather ccmditiODS. <br />. Stay away from windows, dooIs and outside walls. Protect your head. <br />. In homes or small buildi1\P. go to the basement or to an interior part of the bujldbtg on the 10west kwel. Closets, bathrooms or <br />other small rooms oft'er the best protection in many aISeS. <br />. In schools, hospitals, nursing homes, office baiJdi9. shopping malls and other public buildiDgs, go to prHesigoated shelter <br />areas. The basement or interior baIlways on the lowest floor are usually best. AVOID AUDITORIUMS, GYMNASRJMS, OR <br />LARGE AREAS with poorly suppo.t1ecl roofs. <br />. In mobile homes or vehicles, leave them and go to more substantial shelter. <br />. If outdoors, with no shelter available, lie flat in a ne8Iby ditch, and sbield your head with your arms. <br />SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING: It meaDS severe thundeJstorms have been sighted or iftdicated on radar. Stay <br />tuned to radio or television for latest aclviSOJy information. Be ptepai~ to seek shelter. TORNADOES MAY ACCOMPANY <br />SEVERE TIlUNDERSTORMS. Be aware that heavy raiDs cau-i1\g flash flooding, large bail, high ~1\g winds andltgJltning <br />may acc:ompmy severe thundelstorms. <br /> <br />- ,Water Tower Froze? <br /> <br />.As some Ofyoil Diay know, due to the extreme cold weather <br />we had in February the water tower froze. <br /> <br />As the Public Works Director, Paul Patzer ~~lined: The <br />extended cold weather froze the water line that regulated the <br />pressure metering equipment which controls when the well <br />pumps turn on and off. This caused very 1itt1e or no water to <br />be ppnped into the tower between the mornings of Friday, <br />February 2nd and Sunday, February 3rd, causing the riser <br />pipe of the water tower to freeze solid. As the ice in the <br />pressure line continued. to freeze, it increased the pressure in <br />that line until the metering equipment sensed that the tower <br />was in an elevated high water condition and an alarm called <br />out the public works department. <br /> <br />The public works department contacted. Maguire Iron to <br />unthaw the tower by use of hot steam/water. <br /> <br />Due to the four power outages on Tuesday, February 6th the <br />city was without water due to the well pump stoppage, which <br />was supplying water to residents, Once power was restored, <br />water samples were took to verify that no cc.mtaminJdinn <br />existed in the water lines - the test came back negative. <br /> <br />_ After being under continual obsemltion from Sunday, <br />'Yebruary 4th to late Wednesday, February 7th the situation <br />/was under control. We appreciate all the efforts pit forth by <br />the entire public works dt;par:tment and the patienc:e of our <br />restdents. ThankYoul <br /> <br />Pnparecl by Dale Larscm. Co-Dinldor CealerviIIe cmt Defease <br />. <br /> <br />If You Wish To Make A Complaint: <br />Any citizen who believes that they have been treated in <br />a manner which Is unjust or Illegal, may file a complaint <br />at City Hall. It Is the cIty's policy that all complalntants <br />must supply the city wiJh their name, address and phone <br />number, along with anY details regarding the complaint. <br />According to the data practices act, your name, address <br />and phone number are kept confidential, although <br />without this Information complaints will not be acted <br />upon. <br /> <br />Cable Service <br />The City of CenteIVllle provides the city council <br />meetings live on channel 16 on the second and fourth <br />Wednesdays of the month. If you currently do not have <br />cable you may want to contact Meredith cable. They <br />now offer a FREE Universal PEG Service - Public, <br />Educational and Govemment. The service will Include: <br />Channel6: Metro cable Network. Channel 14: KABL- <br />programs produced by Meredith cable staff. Channel <br />15: NCTV - programs produced by residents In the <br />commission. Channel 16: Govemment Access- <br />programs produced by each city containing meetings, <br />events and notices. Channel 57: Religious Access. <br />Channels 58, 60 and 61: Educational Access - <br />programs produced by schools and colleges. <br />To receive this selVlce FREE of charge please call <br />Meredith Cable at 483-9999 and request that the <br />Universal PEG service be connected to your home. <br />
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