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City of Centerville <br />Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes <br />May 4, 2022 <br /> <br />b. Food Trucks - Have been scheduled for each Tuesday <br />c. Flyer Î Includes type of music each band plays <br />d. Signs - A frame sign for use of both sides <br />e. Contracts Î Two (2) contracts have been executed <br /> <br />2. 22-007: Comprehensive Tree Plan <br />Acting Chair Seeley stated she would like to see the Comprehensive Tree Plan include the Emerald Ash <br />Borer project. There was discussion of possibly hiring an arborist to evaluate all the trees within the <br />parks. <br /> <br />a. Eagle Park Update Î The thinning of the trees in Eagle Park has been completed. <br /> <br />b. Remaining Parks Î The Committee felt that discussion was needed regarding replacement/ <br />diversity within the tree population of each individual park and to correlate with the CIP (maintenance) <br />Fund. It was determined that Hidden Spring Park be the next park to be worked on. Acting Chair Seeley <br />had evaluated all of the parks in May of 2021 with the listing showing dead trees/needs for replacement <br />trees and other maintenance items. Building Official Palzer reported that all maintenance issues brought <br />forward from the listing had been taken care of. <br /> <br />c. Emerald Ash Tree Borer Î The Committee desired for additional contractors to be contacted <br />regarding the RFPs for the possibility of a preferred Tree Service for the residents of the City. The <br />Committee felt that the Public Works Director, along with the subcommittee and Mr. Fraval could inspect <br />local parks regarding the potential problems with Emerald Ash Borer could have on the CityÓs trees. The <br />Committee felt that additional information was needed from Public Works, Anoka County, DNR and etc., <br />prior to making any decisions regarding possible treatment. <br /> <br />Motion made by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member Kubat to ask <br />Public Works to identify and tag the Ash trees in the parks, to investigate the saving of trees and a <br />plan for monitoring the trees for safety and to assist with the planting of new trees. All in favor. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />Motion made by Committee Member Seeley, seconded by Committee Member Freiermuth to hire <br />a professional to explore the option of identifying all the Ash trees in the public areas of the parks, <br />which are of immediate safety/hazard concerns. To be completed by September 2022. All in favor. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />3. Monument/Donation Policy <br />A draft policy was included in the packet for discussion and possible recommendation to Council for <br />implementation. Brief discussion was had regarding placement of items and determination of best <br />placement for the City with the understanding that the donorÓs wish were kept in mind. Ms. Bender will <br />provide a copy of the Anoka County Policy for the June meeting. <br /> <br />Motion by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member Freiermuth to table <br />this agenda item to the June 1, 2022 P & R meeting. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />4. Priorities, Equity, ADA (many grants available for ADA & other items) and Etc. <br />The first priority should be safety in all of the parks. First step should be to list items needing repair <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />