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City of Centerville <br />Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes <br />May 4, 2022 <br />and/or replacement, then obtain costs for each project prior to prioritizing the list. Committee Members <br />will need to review the maintenance and the CIP budgets. Grants are available that may cover some or <br />all of the cost of specific projects. Some of the Committee Members concerns include adding ADA <br />equipment, upgrading older park equipment (playground), trails, upgrading or replacing warming house <br />and skate park, adding drinking fountains, bike racks, a source of storage for equipment/supplies, <br />removal and replacement of dead or dying trees and evaluating the current Emerald Ash Tree Borer crisis <br />within city parks. There was also discussion of developing a ÐDestination ParkÑ. An example of an <br />inclusive elementary school age playground in North St. Paul was provided in the packet. The cost for <br />this equipment was $211,000 plus $60,000 for installation. <br /> <br />There was a suggestion to complete a survey of residents regarding the parks Î either on website, mailing <br />or on Facebook or best option, is face to face with residents to determine what the residents desire. <br /> <br />A suggestion was made to schedule another workshop to address this topic. Council Liaison Lakso <br />offered to request a facilitator from the Council to assist the committee in their completion of a Strategic <br />Plan, goals and priorities, etc. <br /> <br />5. Committee Member Akpan Update Î EDA (Halloween Trunk or Treat) <br />The City Clerk reported that Committee Member Akpan had appeared before the EDA to request <br />collaboration from them with an upcoming event sponsored by Centennial Community Education. The <br />EDA was very receptive and desired a more specific request (i.e., water, candy, etc.) Committee Member <br />Akpan will provide additional information at the June meeting due to his absence. <br /> <br />VI. NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />1. a. Request for use of Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park <br /> <br /> Motion made by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member Freiermuth to <br />recommend to the City Council to approve the use of Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park on June 2, <br /> <br />3, 6and 7, 2022 from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm for an end of the year picnic with each of the four <br />kindergarten classes from Centerville Elementary School. There will be approximately 75 in <br />attendance each day. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> b. Request for use of Hidden Spring Park <br /> <br /> Motion made by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member Seeley to <br />recommend to the City Council to approve the use of Hidden Spring Park on June 25, 2022 from <br />th <br />11:00 am to 3:00 pm for a 90 Birthday Party, with access to the bathroom facilities in Laurie <br />LaMotte Memorial Park. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />2. No Mow May <br /> <br />Public Works Director Palzer has suggested participating in a Pilot ÐNo Mow MayÑ program attempting <br />to assist pollinators. He recommended that mowing not be completed in May near the Pollinator Garden <br />at Acorn Creek Park and behind the ballfield fences along the ditch at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park. <br />Public Works Director Palzer also requested that a volunteer from the Committee monitor these areas to <br />determine whether it was successful for future use.for the month of May and report at the June meeting <br />if the program was successful. Committee Member Seeley volunteered and it was suggested that <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />