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Ordinance XX 12-22-2021 <br />(iii)Storage Effective After 24-hours. For purposes of this <br />section, items, materials, or equipment existing outside of <br />a structure for a period greater than 24 hours shall be <br />considered “stored.” <br />Fish house. A “fish house” is shelter, generally used for ice fishing or fish <br />spearing, commonly known as an ice shelter, dark house, fish house, or <br />wheelhouse, otherwise requiring a license from the State. These shelters <br />include any shelter ever licensed for taking fish from public waters. Once <br />any structure or shelter is licensed by the State for use as a fish house, it <br />is thereafter designated to be a “fish house” under this section. <br />(D)Commercial/industrial districts. All products, materials and equipment, except as <br />specifically provided in this chapter, shall be stored within permitted structures, except <br />that as an accessory use, storage of products, materials and equipment, excluding rubbish <br />or junk, which is necessary to an approved business operation in a commercial or <br />industrial district, with the following provisions: <br />(a)The storage area must be completely screened from adjoining properties and <br />rights-of-way. <br />(b)The ratio of storage area to building footprint shall not exceed 2.5:1. <br />(c)The site plan review process is required to determine the appropriateness for <br />storage permitted in the section, surfacing required for the storage area and <br />the screening required. <br />Section 4. That Section 156.166(K) shall be amended to read as follows: <br />(K)Improvement and maintenance– non-residential properties. Required parking <br />and loading spaces, together with driveways, aisles and other circulation <br />areas, shall be improved with a durable and dust-free surface such as asphalt, <br />concrete, pavers, cobblestone or similar material as approved by the City <br />Administrator or their designee. Gravel or loose rock, such as landscape rock, <br />is not permitted. All parking and loading areas shall provide for proper <br />drainage of surface water to prevent the drainage of the water onto adjacent <br />properties or walkways. The owner of any parking or loading area shall <br />maintain the area in good condition without holes and free of all dust, rubbish <br />and other debris. Parking and access drives shall be located a minimum of <br />five feet from any property line. Parking spaces shall be a minimum of nine <br />feet wide and 18 feet deep. <br />DRAFT Page 5of4 <br /> <br />