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Motion by Council Member Lakso, seconded by Council Member Koski to Approve the <br />Agenda with the Noted Modifications. All in favor. Motion carried. <br />IV. APPOINTMENTS/PRESENTATIONS <br />1. Mr. Jim Boo — Interest in Block 7 Redevelopment <br />Mr. Jim Boo introduced himself to Council and stated that he was the developer for Bayview <br />Villas. He also introduced Mr. Kim Tram and his nephew, Mr. Carson Schifsky, stating that they <br />were his partners in this venture similar to other projects that they have completed in the state. He <br />stated that they are interested in developing the site, similar to that of the previous proposal by <br />Centra Homes. He noted the streetscaping and quality that is desired by Council and felt that they <br />would be able to deliver a good product within a certain price point as the market was not what it <br />was a year ago. He stated that Mr. Schifsky is representing Mr. Boo and Mr. Tram and is working <br />with Staff to enter into a purchase agreement with the City for the property. <br />Mayor Love thanked Mr. Boo and stated that the pending purchase agreement would be discussed <br />in Closed Session later in the meeting. <br />2. Mr. Jared Grawe, 7227 Clear Ridge <br />Mr. Grawe introduced himself to Council and stated that he appreciated the opportunity to address <br />Council and speak about the proposed Encroachment Agreement for his raised garden. He stated <br />that he desires for Council to be just and fair regarding their decision. He stated that he desires to <br />grow vegetables for his family's use and to give to friends and neighbors. He stated that his <br />backyard is not suitable for a garden due to dense tree coverage with this being the best possible <br />location in his yard. He stated that he designed to raise garden to be modular and easily <br />removable. He stated that he was unaware of the easement in the front of the property but was <br />aware of the road right-of-way. He stated that the utilities that are in the road right-of-way on <br />effect his home and that the garden was modular for quick removal. Administrator Statz stated <br />that landscaping of 3' and under is allowed in the front yard similar to a decorative fence. Mr. <br />Grawe stated that he has identified 98 properties with similar items in the front yard drainage/utility <br />easement or right of way. Mr. Grawe asked that the same level of enforcement be provided for his <br />proposed raised garden as the discussed similar violations. He requested that Council use their <br />best judgement as he has taken great care to design the raised garden for movability, aesthetics and <br />use. <br />Mayor Love noted that Mr. Grawe's Encroachment Agreement would be considered later in the <br />meeting under Old Business, Item #1. <br />V. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />1. None. <br />APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES <br />June 8, 2022 City Council Meeting Minutes <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />