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Centerville2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />C HAPTER 3:L AND U SE <br />L AND U SE <br />The Land Use Chapter identifies the specific land use categories and strategies for future growth <br />and redevelopment in Centerville. The land use categories are the framework upon which the <br />official controls, such as the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations, are based. The plan <br />elements contain the regulatory concepts for residential growth, commercial and industrial <br />development and environmental protection. The plan elements and land use planning decisions <br />are based on Goals and Policies developed during the Comprehensive Plan update process. It <br />is the goal of the City of Centerville to: <br /> Create a logical and orderly transition from agricultural to non-agricultural land uses. <br /> Establish a future land use plan that contains compatible land use patterns. <br /> Establish land use patterns which protect natural amenities and avoid environmental <br />constraints. <br /> Establish phased growth areas which reflect City priorities for development staging and <br />contiguous, planned extensions of public infrastructure. <br /> Utilize the City’s design guidelines for development within the Mixed Use/Central <br />Business District. <br /> Enhance the character of individual neighborhoods and the sense of overall community <br />identity. <br /> Expand the commercial/industrial tax base and employment opportunities in the City. <br />Policies reflect the position of the City on the specific implementation of the Goals. It is the <br />policy of the City of Centerville to: <br /> Identify a long range land use plan which incorporates community goals. <br /> Establish roadway and trail corridors which link neighborhoods, parks, business centers <br />and other community facilities together as well as amenities in adjacent communities. <br /> Identify land which is suitable for commercial development and is accessible to existing <br />and planned roadways and compatible with existing and planned land uses. <br /> Limit development to areas identified with utility capability or staged according to <br />growth sequencing plans. <br /> Prohibit residential development with private utilities in areas included in the long range <br />public utility service area. <br /> Require all subdivisions to adhere to long range plans for thoroughfares, trails, parks <br />and utility corridors to ensure continuity of development patterns and implementation <br />of community priorities. <br /> Page 30 <br /> <br /> <br />