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Res. #23-032 - Amending the City's Personnel Policy (ESST)
City Council
Res. #23-032 - Amending the City's Personnel Policy (ESST)
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D). Part-time/Seasonal/Temporary employees will be paid -out upon termination subject to <br />clauses A and B. <br />8.4 ADMINISTRATION OF PERSONAL TIME OFF <br />To administer the PTO/ESST program fairly, the following policies and guidelines have been <br />established: <br />A. Employees should submit a Time Off Request to their supervisors indicating requested dates <br />for time off and the type of Personal Time Off that is being requested. This request should <br />also be used related to time off for jury duty and/or bereavement. <br />B. Supervisors have the discretion to approve or deny PTO/ESST requests based on <br />operational needs. Exceptions to this would include approved state and federal leaves of <br />absences and paid sick and safe time provided under a mandatory sick and safe time leave <br />law. <br />C. The Employee requesting the PTO/ESST shall enter their absence on the staff -wide <br />PTO/ESST calendar so that all staff may be able to see who is working and who is not on a <br />particular day. <br />D. An authorized City holiday which falls on a normal business day during an employee's <br />PTO/ESST is not counted as a day of PTO/ESST. <br />E. Choice of PTO/ESST dates, if there is a conflict, is determined by length of service with the <br />City. Exceptions to this would include approved state and federal leaves of absences and <br />paid sick and safe time provided under a mandatory sick and safe time leave law. <br />F. Use of PTO/ESST during Short -Term Disability Leave: Eligible Employees may use <br />PTO/ESST to offset lost income during a leave covered by the City's Short -Term Disability. <br />The use of PTO/ESST may not result in a net gain of income when added to Short -Term <br />Disability payments. The terms of PTO/ESST accrual and use for this situation shall, <br />otherwise, follow that use during a Workers' Compensation leave. <br />G. Coordination of PTO/ESST Leave with Family and Medical Leave: In order to allow <br />coordination of PTO/ESST leave with Family and Medical Leave, Employees seeking to take <br />PTOIESST may be required to provide enough information about the purpose of the leave <br />to allow a determination of whether the leave will also qualify for Family and Medical leave. <br />H. Workers' Compensation: Employees are covered by workers' compensation laws and <br />regulations of the State. In the event an Employee is disabled and is entitled to workers' <br />compensation, the Employee will keep any workers' compensation payments received and <br />will be eligible to receive a bi-weekly paycheck equal to 40% the Employee's regular pay <br />through the use of personal leave benefits. In addition, the Employee will be entitled to <br />insurance benefits during a workers' compensation leave for a maximum term of six months. <br />Employees receiving such workers' compensation will be considered working for the <br />purpose of accumulating additional personal leave benefits for a mhrsaximum term of six <br />months. <br />I. An employee may not take pay instead of PTO/ESST time, except upon termination of <br />employment in good standing and pursuant to the terms of this policy. <br />
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