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Res. #23-032 - Amending the City's Personnel Policy (ESST)
City Council
Res. #23-032 - Amending the City's Personnel Policy (ESST)
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J. PTO/ESST may not be used to extend an employee's termination date. The last day an <br />employee works will be the termination date. <br />K. PTO/ESST may be used in 15-minute increments. <br />Use of PTOIESST Leave during a Holiday: PTOIESST cannot be used on Holidays if an employee <br />qualifies for holiday pay. Holidays occurring during an Employee's PTO/ESST leave will be considered <br />a holiday and the Employee will not be charged for PTO/ESST on that day. <br />Waiver of PTOIESST Leave Prohibited: No Employee is permitted to waive personal leave for the <br />purpose of receiving double compensation. <br />8.5 Retaliation prohibited. <br />An employee shall not be discharged, disciplined, penalized, or interfered with, threatened, <br />restrained, coerced, or otherwise retaliated or discriminated against because the person has <br />exercised or attempted to exercise rights protected under this act, including but not limited to because <br />the person requested earned sick and safe time, used earned sick and safe time, requested a <br />statement of accrued sick and safe time, informed any person of his or her potential rights under the <br />MN State Statutes Sections 181.9445 to 181.9448, made a complaint or filed an action to enforce a <br />right to earned sick and safe time under this section, or is or was participating in any manner in an <br />investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this chapter. <br />A supervisor or any other person may not report or threaten to report the actual or suspected <br />citizenship or immigration status of a person or their family member to a federal, state, or local agency <br />for exercising or attempting to exercise any right protected under this act, <br />An employee need not explicitly refer to the Earned Sick and Safe Time act or the rights enumerated <br />therein to be protected from retaliation. <br />If an employee believes they have been retaliated against or improperly denied earned sick and safe <br />time, they can file a complaint with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. They can also <br />file a civil action in court for earned sick and safe time violations. <br />8.6 Donation of Personal Leave <br />General: City Employees may donate accrued PTOIESST in one -hour increments to fellow <br />Employees experiencing extended time off due to a serious medical problem or condition and who <br />have no accumulated PTO/ESST or compensatory time. The use of this donated personal leave <br />must be approved in writing by the Supervisor and the City Administrator and will be converted to <br />the receiving Employee's hourly rate. <br />
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