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In a subdivision for residential use of less than five lots and where the lots abut existing public roads and <br />utilities, the Council may waive certain requirements such as topographic, street and utility specifications; in <br />that instance the information is not required. <br />§ 153.56 SKETCH PLAN. § 153.56 SKETCH PLAN. <br /> The subdivider shall prepare a sketch plan to pr The subdivider shall prepare a sketch plan to pr The subdivider shall prepare a sketch plan to present to the Planning and esent to <br /> the Planning and esent to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the Zoning Commission at the Zoning Commission at the <br />advisory meeting. This plan may be drawn as a freehaadvisory meeting. This plan may be drawn as a freehaadvisory meeting. This plan may be drawn as a freehand pencil sketch and does <br /> not require precise dimensions nd pencil sketch and does not require precise dimensions nd pencil sketch and does not require precise dimensions <br />or any special sheet size. This sketor any special sheet size. This sketor any special sheet size. This sketch plan may be used to show the Coch plan may be used to show the Coch <br /> plan may be used to show the Commission the location, proposed street mmission the location, proposed street mmission the location, proposed street <br />and lot layout and any other significantand lot layout and any other significantand lot layout and any other significantand lot layout and any other significant features of the proposed <br /> subdivision. features of the proposed subdivision. <br />§ 153.57 PRELIMINARY PLAT. <br /> The following maps and data shall be submitted with the application for preliminary plat approval. <br />These maps and data may be on separate sheets or combined on one sheet, depending on the size and <br />complexity of the proposed subdivision. The overall size of the sheets shall be determined by the City Engineer. <br />(A)Location map. A map of the proposed subdivision showing: <br />(1)Boundary lines of the proposed subdivision, clearly indicated; <br />(2)Existing zoning of the tract and adjacent properties; <br />(3)Total approximate acreage in the plan; <br />(4)Location, widths and names of all existing or previously platted streets or other public ways, <br />showing types of improvements, if any railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks and other public <br />open spaces, permanent building and structures, easements and section and corporate lines within <br />the tract and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the tract. <br />(B)Site map. A map of the proposed subdivision and all lands within 500 feet of its boundaries showing: <br />(1)Contours of the site at vertical intervals of two feet; <br />(2)Character and location of natural or artificial features existing on the land which would affect the <br />design of the subdivision, such as wooded areas, drainage ditches, direction and gradient of <br />ground slope, embankments, retaining walls, buildings or nonresidential usage of land; <br />(3)Names of owners of properties adjacent to the subdivision; <br />(4)Existing and proposed streets and rights-of-way, including widths and purposes; <br />(5)Existing and proposed easements, including widths and purposes; <br />295 ΋tğŭĻ <br /> <br />