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City of Centerville <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />November 12, 2024 <br /> <br />Public Hearing Opened <br />Chair Krueger opened the public hearing on the regulation of cannabis. <br /> <br />Public Comments <br />Nancy Golden, 1564 Lakeland Circle directed a couple of questions to Attorney Baumgartner: <br />1. Does the State currently have any mandates on the number of bars and liquor stores there <br />are per county based on the population. Attorney Baumgartner said not that he is aware of. <br /> <br />2. Referencing Page 2, Section 105 (B) of the draft ordinance, Ms. Golden asked if the city <br />could push back on the number of cannabis retail businesses allowed since the city is a 1/3 <br />of the required one license per 12,500 residents in the county, or if we must allow this. <br />Attorney Baumgartner noted that the city has to allow one cannabis retail business per State <br />Statute. <br /> <br />3. Noting the 10% state sales tax with 2% coming back to the cities, Ms. Golden asked if we <br />could raise this amount. Attorney Baumgartner said this would all be statutory, and that the <br />money would come back to the county and then distributed to the cities based on <br />percentages. <br /> <br />Cara Johnson, 1862 Patridge Place <br />1. Ms. Johnson stated that she and her husband support the strictest measures on cannabis <br />across the city, noting the following: <br />a. Support for the strictest definition of cannabis retail business <br />b. Support for only one license in Centerville <br />c. Request for the following changes to the draft ordinance: <br />i. Adopt 1000 feet from a school (the stricter distance per state statute) <br />ii. Opposition to the city being involved in the sale of cannabis <br />iii. Best way to provide license require by city Î she advocates that the city do <br />nothing because in an ideal world the county would have enough licenses to <br />preclude the city from granting one; however, recognizing this may not be <br />possible she strongly advocates that the city not promote advertising any <br />license or a lottery system. Ms. Johnson noted that while opinions about <br />cannabis vary, she thinks everyone can agree that the exposure of cannabis <br />to children should be prevented. <br /> <br />Doug Driver, 1650 Lakeland Circle asked if there is guidance for restrictions on cannabis retail <br />businesses that are close to geographical boundaries. Attorney Baumgartner noted that the city can <br />only regulate whatÓs in the city, however, he did note that he thinks he could argue that cannabis <br />retail businesses need to be 1000-foot distance from a school, regardless of jurisdictional <br />boundaries. <br /> <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:16p.m. <br /> <br />Motion by Commissioner Seppala seconded by Commissioner Olson to Close the Public <br />Hearing. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />2. LaLonde Property Î 1687 Westview Street <br />a. Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br />Page 3 of 7 <br /> <br />