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City of Centerville <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />November 12, 2024 <br /> <br />b. Rezoning <br />Administrator Statz introduced this item as presented in the packet, noting that a public use is an allowed <br />use in every district on the Table of Allowed Uses; he added that the rezoning from M-2 to P-1 is cleaner <br />and a more transparent process for the future use of the property. <br /> <br />Centennial Schools Superintendent Jeff Holmberg gave a brief presentation on the reason for wanting to <br />purchase the LaLonde property, noting access adjacency to Centerville Elementary and an emphasis on <br />their long-range planning efforts. Mr. Holmberg added that their long-range plan looks at enrollment, <br />educational capacity, space for students, and amenities across the school district, including space for <br />extracurricular activities. Mr. Holmberg reviewed the districtÓs long range planning process. Mr. Patrick <br />Chaffee, Executive Director of Business Services with Centennial District provided a brief <br />overview of the school districtÓs needs outlined in the long-range plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Chaffee explained that the school is interested in purchasing the LaLonde property, but does <br />not intend to build anything on the property at this time; he added that the purchase of this property <br />would be a readjustment of where they were initially looking at heading, and that acquisition of <br />this property would allow them to address safety concerns with parent and bus traffic. <br /> <br />Mr. Chaffee presented a preliminary concept plan for discussion purposes, noting that acquisition <br />of this property would allow them to consider additional options in their long-range plan. Mr. <br />Chaffee also said that they are very early in their planning process and that school board approval <br />would be needs. In addition, Mr. Chaffee added that there would likely need to be a bond <br />referendum for the communityÓs consideration. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued about the flow of traffic, i.e. parental and bus traffic on Westview and at the <br />intersection of Main Street. Discussion also ensued about the approval process (plat approval, site plan <br />approval, and the Commission having the authority to review and approve the plans. <br /> <br />Public Hearing Opened <br />Chair Kruger opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />Public Comments <br />Heather Carciofini, 1652 Lakeland Circle expressed her support for rezoning the property to P-1 to allow <br />the school to purchase the property; she added that Centerville Elementary school is the cornerstone of <br />the community and a big reason many families chose to make their homes in Centerville. Ms. Carciofini <br />added that as the number of families in the community rise, itÓs imperative that we provide the school the <br />capacity they need to grow alongside the community. Ms. Carciofini stated that for these reasons she <br />would like to ask the Planning and Zoning Commission to vote yes for the rezoning. <br /> <br />Wendy Brilowski, 7124 Main Street stated that she wholeheartedly supports the school to acquire the <br />property. She said that she thinks it encourages growth in the community while also maintaining a sense <br />of small community and neighborhood feeling that everyone has been talking about. <br /> <br />Cara Johnson, 1862 Patridge Place stated that she and her husband support the rezoning and <br />comprehensive plan amendment that would allow the school to purchase the property. Ms. Johnson <br />added that their support comes from their love of our small town and the elementary school is at <br />the heart of this. She added that it is important to continue to support the development and upkeep <br />of our schools, especially, as we see growth from young families. Ms. Johnson added that she <br />Page 4 of 7 <br /> <br />