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City of Centerville <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />November 12, 2024 <br /> <br />believes this a great example of growth in the downtown, but in a different way than what was <br />previously imagined in the Downtown Master Plan. Ms. Johnson stated that it would be good to <br />see expansion lead to more community use of an auditorium, gym or field-type space, adding that <br />she would like to see a plan that protects the beautiful waterfront, slope of the land, and safety of <br />children as a top priority. <br /> <br />Nancy Golden, 1564 Lakeland Circle expressed support for the rezoning of 1687 Westview Street <br />to allow the Centennial District 12 to purchase the property. Ms. Golden stated that there has been <br />significant growth in the number of kindergarten classrooms between 2004 and today and that a <br />strong school system is at the heart of every community, further adding that children are our future. <br />thth <br />Ms. Golden also stated that between March 25 and July 20 of this year, residents were asked to <br />rank their top 5 priorities for our community at four different events. Ms. Golden reviewed the <br />results noting the following: <br />1. Community center <br />2. Splash pad <br />3. Pickleball courts <br />4. Playground equipment <br />5. Warming hours and concession stand. <br /> <br />Ms. Golden also stated that she would like to propose that the city of Centerville convene an exploratory <br />committee to discuss an option of a joint venture between the city of Centerville and the Centennial <br />School District 12 for the purpose of a shared space on 1687 Westview Street. Ms. Golden noted that the <br />school would have priority of the proposed shared space during the school calendar and the community <br />could use the space during the evening, weekends, and non-school calendar. Further, the shared space <br />would be used for a community center, splash pad, pickleball courts, and a gym. Ms. Golden also noted <br />that basketball, a concession stand, and an indoor walking track could also be included in this space. Ms. <br />Golden added that since the playground equipment upgrade has already been approved, a shared space <br />would mean that the top 5 goals the community has requested would be met and she is requesting that <br />the Commission approve the rezoning. <br /> <br />The public Hearing was closed at 7:45P.M. <br /> <br />Motion by Commissioner Thompson seconded by Commissioner Kalina to Close the <br />Public Hearing. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />V. AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS, APPEARANCES <br />1. None <br /> <br />VI. OLD BUSINESS <br />1. None <br /> <br />VII. NEW BUSINESS <br />1. Cannabis Ordinance <br />Administrator Statz introduced this item as presented in the packet. Discussion ensued about <br />limiting cannabis retail sales to the business district. Administrator Statz recommended adding this <br />use as a conditional use on the Table of Allowed Uses, Table 156-A. Discussion ensued about <br />restricting cannabis retail businesses 1000 feet from a school and 500 feet from daycares. The <br />Commission discussed the radius of day cares, noting that they would like to include home-based <br />Page 5 of 7 <br /> <br />