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2025-01-22 WS & CC Meeting Minutes - (Approved)
City Council
2025-01-22 WS & CC Meeting Minutes - (Approved)
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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes <br />January 22, 2025 <br />requiring paying of benefits. Administrator Statz stated that he felt that Finance Director DeJong was <br />willing to work additional hours for, a period of time, to assist during this transition. He stated that staff <br />also looked at scaling back some of the Assistant City Administrator’s role related to the external <br />organizations that the city is a part of (e.g. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon, Chamber of Commerce, etc.). He <br />explained that they are important to the operation, but not crucial. He stated that he felt that these <br />meetings/participation in, would not be hurt in the long view if not attended. Administrator Statz also <br />stated that what is a large amount of time for the Administrator is putting together packets for the various <br />Committee/Commissions, preparing and attending for those meetings. He suggested that those meetings <br />be less frequent during the transition (e.g. every other month meetings if there was nothing pressing or <br />on an as needed basis). He stated that staff would be requesting the EDA members absorb additional <br />duties such as visiting businesses, etc. Administrator Statz also stated that there would be a break in the <br />History Niche in the front of Council Chambers as that has a rotating cycle of every six months. He also <br />stated that the City Clerk position would be taking a larger role in updating the website and keeping it <br />current. He stated that the administrative staff would be completing the specific duties needed during the <br />transition period as staff was reducing from 4.5 full-time to 3.5 full-time staff. <br /> <br />Mayor Golden stated that if the Assistant City Administrator is going to be the Interim City Administrator, <br />and the Clerk is assuming some of the Assistant City Administrator’s duties and responsibilities or others, <br />a clear direction on what responsibilities should follow under each individual and then staff/council <br />needed to look at salary increases for everyone that has added additional duties/responsibilities. <br />Administrator Statz stated perhaps, but he tended to look at the salary. He stated that he was the only <br />salaried employee in the office, so when we look at increased workload for any administrative staff, if <br />they work more hours, they get more pay for overtime as some of that comes into play. He stated that he <br />would look at if there was something that raised a person’s level of responsibility, asking them to make <br />larger and more important decisions would be warranted for temporary increase in pay. He stated that <br />staff could explore that, but he felt that with what has been laid out for Council, the city would be fine and <br />that staff is not asking anyone to take on an elevated role of responsibility (e.g. no one will be asked to <br />supervise someone during the transition or lead another group of people/task force or committee) so in <br />those terms, he did not see that right away, but it could be something to explore. <br /> <br />Council Member Kubat asked if there was such a thing as a temp. for such a role as packets, not allowing <br />for delays with Planning & Zoning as it requires a large amount of time and applications are time sensitive. <br />Administrator Statz stated that maybe a bullet should be added to the memorandum contained in Council’s <br />packet for leaning on consultants more as he previously handled such items (e.g. reviewing variance <br />requests, writing memorandums, etc.). He stated rather than hiring a temporary employee to fill the City <br />Administrator position, as he was a consultant, and he felt that consultants are engaged and knowledgeable <br />with the community and its needs. Council Member Kubat asked if the interim position would then be <br />hourly. Administrator Statz stated that it has to do with IRS rules rather than a choice, and that is what <br />staff is proposing. He stated that Ms. Lewis would become a salaried employee following his last day of <br />employment with the city. Additional discussion took place regarding packet preparation, etc. <br />Administrator Statz stated that going from 4.5 full-time staff to 3.5 full-time staff would increase a large <br />number of duties and responsibilities. He stated that the city has operated similarly in the past. He stated <br />that the city was surviving but he was unsure if it were thriving. His opinion was that there was currently <br />too much going on to continue with 3.5 full-time staff. He stated that he also felt that it was going to be <br />a tough thing as the Comprehensive Plan update was coming up and meetings needed to continue but the <br />hiring process would also be a process unless it is a quick turnaround. Additional discussion ensued <br />regarding filling the position with another position - does not get you back to 4.5 full-time employees. <br />Administrator Statz stated that if the Assistant City Administrator was named the Administrator, there <br />Page 4 of 16 <br /> <br /> <br />
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