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<br />City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />November 29, 2006 <br /> <br />Mayor Capra said she was not opposed to restricting massage therapy businesses to <br />commercial areas and said that she would like to expedite the ordinance. <br /> <br />Council Member Lee noted that some businesses may be appropriate for a residential <br />area but they would be more difficult to enforce. City Administrator Larson added there <br />would be no need to zone for the businesses. <br /> <br />City Attorney Glaser indicated he would work with Staff on a draft document to be <br />reviewed by the Council. <br /> <br />Mayor Capra thanked the Applicant for attending the meeting. <br /> <br />2. CSAH14 <br /> <br />Nothing to report. <br /> <br />3. Downtown Redevelopment <br /> <br />Mr. Ron Mehl, Beard Group, displayed the conceptual Master Plan and updated Council <br />on the redevelopment process. He said the good news was that nothing appeared to be <br />atypical for the City's size and the developer was going through due diligence regarding <br />detail, financing, acquisition costs, and construction costs. Mr. Mehl said he met <br />regularly with Finance Director Meyer and they were able to reduce the gap considerably, <br />from $6 million to $2 million. He reported that the first phase would be a townhome <br />development, scaled back. Everything on the east side of Centerville Road would be part <br />of phase two, and the 16 units closer to the lake would be too expensive to acquire for <br />inclusion in the first phase. Mr. Mehl stated that several builders had expressed interest <br />in working on the redevelopment project and reported on various contacts for financing, <br />including HUD, MN Housing Financing, Mainstreet Bank, Anoka County, and the <br />Community Development Department. <br /> <br />Mayor Capra stated the DEED grants are very competitive due to limited funding. <br />Finance Director Meyer responded that the project needs the leverage and support of <br />Anoka County and that $1 million to $1.8 million would provide the ability to go "full <br />steam ahead." Otherwise, there would be the need to piecemeal financing for the project. <br /> <br />Mayor Capra inquired about other downtown businesses desiring to remain owners of <br />buildings, specifically identifying Mr. Steffel. Mr. Mehl responded that the intent was to <br />market to those people directly, with office space part in the first phase. He said that <br />there would be reluctance to meet with individuals until a final development agreement <br />was in place. <br /> <br />Council Member Lee commented that the redevelopment looked promising and he was <br />excited about it. <br /> <br />Page 14 of 16 <br /> <br />/-<1 <br />