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<br />270 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />271 AUGUST 10, 1994 <br />272 PAGE SIX <br />273 <br />274 the interest date. A copy of this letter is on file with the <br />275 Clerk/Administrator. <br />276 <br />277 Motion by Buckbee, second by Brenner to direct City staff to mail <br />278 a letter to the affected property owners as proposed in the draft <br />279 dated August 10, 1994 with the addition that the assessment <br />280 paYment schedule will be over seven years, motion carried <br />281 unanimously. <br />282 <br />283 d. Richard DeFoe - WaterWorks Beach Club - Signage. <br />284 Richard DeFoe, owner of Waterworks Beach Club, appeared before <br />285 the City Council to express concerns regarding the routing of <br />286 detour traffic to the south. Mr. DeFoe noted the MSA Newsletter <br />287 stated the traffic would be routed to the north on Peltier Lake <br />288 Drive and Mill Road. Mr. DeFoe stated his business has <br />289 diminished because no one can find his establishment. Mr. DeFoe <br />290 noted that he is unhappy that there is not appropriate detour <br />291 signage on the freeway directing people to Centerville. He noted <br />292 people traveling on Interstate 35E are missing the Centerville <br />293 detour. Mr. DeFoe noted the road construction is costing him <br />294 thousands of dollars per week. Mr. DeFoe noted he is very <br />295 frustrated and suggested that there has to be a way to get around <br />296 the Main Street crossing, perhaps by building a temporary bridge. <br />297 Mr. DeFoe stated he would be willing to contribute monetarily if <br />298 necessary. Mr. DeFoe would like to place directional signs to <br />299 his business along the Peltier Lake Drive/Mill Road route as <br />300 advertised in the MSA Newsletter and previously approved by the <br />301 City Council. Mr. DeFoe noted he is willing to pay for the cost <br />302 of the signs. <br />303 <br />304 Mayor Buckbee noted Mr. DeFoe is not the only business owner who <br />305 has expressed concern regarding the Main Street crossing <br />306 construction. Mayor Buckbee noted the complaint may be <br />307 legitimate. If the City Council could do it allover again, it <br />308 probably would do it differently. Mayor Buckbee noted in the <br />309 long run the Flood Plain Reduction project will be of benefit to <br />310 the entire City of Centerville. This project has been in the <br />311 works for approximately four years. The project may be completed <br />312 ahead of schedule. <br />313 <br />314 Council member Helmbrecht expressed concern about routing <br />315 additional traffic flow into a residential area. <br />316 <br />317 Clerk/Administrator Tamara Miltz-Miller noted the current <br />318 businesses are just as, if not more, important then the potential <br />319 new businesses the Flood Plain Reduction project may bring. <br />320 <br />321 Dave Nyberg, City Engineer, noted the city is at the contractors <br />322 mercy if a change order is requested. A temporary bridge is <br />323 probably out of the question. If the problem concerning the CITY <br />