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<br />540 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />541 AUGUST 10, 1994 <br />542 PAGE ELEVEN <br />543 <br />544 Council member Dario noted the City Celebration Committee <br />545 requested the ball fields be upgraded at the last minute. He <br />546 expressed the fields should be maintained on a regular basis. <br />547 Council member Dario suggested a user charge for the fields. <br />548 <br />549 Council member Brenner noted the Park and Recreation Committee <br />550 has requested the maintenance portion of their budget be removed <br />551 because they have limited authority regarding the expenditures. <br />552 <br />553 Mayor Buckbee suggested the possibility of having the Park and <br />554 Recreation Committee be an advisory board with no budget. <br />555 <br />556 Council member Brenner expressed the Park and Recreation <br />557 Committee may be responsive to the idea, since they do not want <br />558 to be responsible for the maintenance and want to more involved <br />559 in the planning of parks, etc. She felt the maintenance should <br />560 be included in the public works budget. Council member Brenner <br />561 noted she sympathizes with the Park and Recreation Committee <br />562 because they were not informed about what repairs Central Park <br />563 needed. <br />564 <br />565 Clerk/Administrator Tamara Miltz-Miller suggested the City <br />566 Council direct the Park and Recreation Committee to investigate <br />567 restructuring their fee schedule to recover some of the costs to <br />568 maintain the fields. <br />569 <br />570 Motion by Buckbee, second by Helmbrecht to have the ball field <br />571 maintenance costs of approximately $1,000.00 to be taken entirely <br />572 from the Park and Recreation budget; <br />573 the City Council and Park and Recreation Committee <br />574 should address the entire budget requests and funding <br />575 for 1995 at future budget meetings, <br />576 motion carried unanimously. <br />577 <br />578 Employee Review Board Update. <br />579 Council member Brenner updated the City Council on a conference <br />580 call between Sanna Buckbee, Assistant City Clerk and the Employee <br />581 Review Board. It was noted the Employee Review Board agreed to <br />582 suggest a special meeting be held after the budget meeting to <br />583 discuss stepping up the time frame for the hiring a full time <br />584 administrator. Council member Brenner noted the plan for the <br />585 interim period appears to be favorable, however the person to <br />586 whom she would report is a concern. <br />587 <br />588 Motion by Brenner, second by Buckbee to direct City staff to post <br />589 a special meeting notice of the City Council for August 17, 1994 <br />590 to discuss the advertising for a full time Clerk/Administrator to <br />591 immediately follow the budget work session, motion carried <br />592 unanimously. <br />593 <br />