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<br />594 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />595 AUGUST 10, 1994 <br />596 PAGE TWELVE <br />597 <br />598 PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: <br />599 <br />600 Carnival Prize. <br />601 The city Council reviewed a letter from Vickie Woeltge, 1729 <br />602 Center Street, regarding a carnival prize received by her pre- <br />603 teen son during the City Celebration. A copy of this letter is <br />604 attached to and made a part of these minutes. <br />605 <br />606 Council member Dario noted he received other complaints at the <br />607 festival regarding prizes. Council member Dario stated, in his <br />608 opinion, there will be no carnival next year, however if there is <br />609 a carnival the type of prizes should be addressed. <br />610 <br />611 Lake Sanitation. <br />612 The City Council reviewed a complaint from Linda Drilling, 7248 <br />613 centerville Road, regarding Lake Sanitation employees wrecking <br />614 bins, breaking glass and swearing. A copy of this complaint is <br />615 attached to and made a part of these minutes. <br />616 <br />617 Motion by Buckbee, second by Helmbrecht to direct city staff to <br />618 write a letter to Lake Sanitation regarding Lake Sanitation <br />619 employee's conduct, motion carried unanimously. <br />620 <br />621 Noise during Kyle Powers benefit. <br />622 The city Council reviewed a complaint from Diane Englund, 7081 <br />623 Brian Drive, regarding the noise during the Kyle Powers benefit <br />624 at City Hall held on July 23, 1994. A copy of this complaint is <br />625 attached to and made a part of these minutes. <br />626 <br />627 Council member Dario stated that this was a benefit for a child. <br />628 People donated their time and many businesses donated food and <br />629 door prizes. He expressed he felt it was "pretty low" for the <br />630 residents to complain, it could have been one of their children. <br />631 He was at the benefit for most of the day and there was breaks in <br />632 the music. <br />633 <br />634 NEW BUSINESS: <br />635 <br />636 Tkaczik Construction Request for Exception to Sod Escrow <br />637 Requirement. <br />638 The City Council reviewed a letter dated August 3, 1994 from Jan <br />639 Halverson, Tkaczik Construction Builder Representative, regarding <br />640 a request for exception to the sod escrow requirement. A copy of <br />641 this letter is on file with the Clerk/Administrator. <br />642 <br />643 Motion by Dario, second by Brenner to deny Tkaczik Construction's <br />644 request for an exception to the sod escrow requirement and to <br />645 collect the sod escrow and hold until the sod requirement is <br />646 fulfilled, motion carried unanimously. <br />647 <br />