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<br />487 <br />488 <br />489 <br />490 <br />491 <br />492 <br />493 <br />494 <br />495 <br />496 <br />497 <br />498 <br />499 <br />500 <br />501 <br />502 <br />503 <br />504 <br />505 <br />506 <br />507 <br />508 <br />509 <br />510 <br />511 <br />512 <br />513 <br />514 <br />515 <br />516 <br />517 <br />518 <br />519 <br />520 <br />521 <br /> <br />522 <br />523 <br />524 <br />525 <br />526 <br />527 <br />528 <br />529 <br />530 <br />531 <br />532 <br />533 <br />534 <br />535 <br />536 <br />537 <br />538 <br />539 <br />540 <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 11, 1993 <br />PAGE TEN <br /> <br />Paul Montain, Trio Inn, was present. Mr. Montain is a member of <br />the Economic Development Committee (EDC). Mr. Montain noted the <br />EDC is concerned that Centerville may run out of MUSA if the City <br />continues to grow. The EDC would like to see additional MUSA <br />available. <br /> <br />Motion by Buckbee, second by Brenner to request <br />investigate the possible fees and time frame for <br />Plan Amendment for a MUSA extension and present <br />to the City Council before the end of the year, <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />City staff to <br />a Comprehensive <br />the information <br />motion carried <br /> <br />PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: <br /> <br />Paul Montain - Trio Inn - Centennial Youth Hockey Association- <br />Charitable GamblinQ Aoolication. <br />Paul Montain, Trio Inn, appeared before the City Council to <br />discuss the City of Centerville's policy toward youth <br />organizations. Mr. Montain noted that earlier this spring there <br />was a misunderstanding with the Centennial Little League <br />regarding the use of the Central Park ball fields. Mr. Montain <br />noted now the Centennial Youth Hockey Association would like to <br />sell pull tabs at the Trio Inn. Mr. Montain questioned why the <br />City of Centerville would not allow the Centennial Youth Hockey <br />Association Charitable Gambling request be placed on the November <br />10, 1993 agenda. Mr. Montain would like the City of Centerville <br />to put forth extra effort to help youth organizations. Mr. <br />Montain would like the City of Centerville to review its policy <br />to become more friendly towards youth organizations. <br /> <br />Clerk/Administrator Tamara Miltz-Miller explained that she was <br />contacted by Sharon Krantz of the Centennial Youth Hockey <br />Association about being placed on the November 10, 1993 City <br />Council Agenda. Mr. Miltz-Miller noted the application for <br />Charitable Gambling was not received until Monday, November 8, <br />1993. Ms. Miltz-Miller noted that Ms. Krantz was informed that <br />the Centennial Youth Hockey Association Charitable Gambling <br />request will be placed on the November 22, 1993 City Council <br />Agenda. <br /> <br />Ms. Miltz-Miller noted the Hugo Lions Club, who previously were <br />authorized to sell pull tabs at the Trio Inn, have not filed any <br />reports with the City and it appears the City of Centerville has <br />not received 50% of the profits required by City Ordinance to <br />directly benefit the residents of the City of Centerville. Ms. <br />Miltz-Miller expressed concern regarding the requirements of City <br />Ordinance not being meet by the Hugo Lion Club and by the <br />Centennial Youth Hockey Association related to it's operation of <br />pull tabs at the Waterworks Beach Club. <br />