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<br />109 <br />110 <br />1 11 <br />112 <br />113 <br />114 <br />115 <br />116 <br />11 7 <br />118 <br />119 <br />120 <br />121 <br />122 <br />123 <br />124 <br />125 <br />126 <br />127 <br />128 <br />129 <br />130 <br />131 <br />132 <br />133 <br />134 <br />135 <br />136 <br />137 <br />138 <br />139 <br />140 <br />141 <br />142 <br />143 <br />144 <br />145 <br />146 <br />147 <br />148 <br />149 <br />150 <br />151 <br />152 <br />153 <br />154 <br />155 <br />156 <br />157 <br />158 <br />159 <br />160 <br />161 <br />162 <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />OCTOBER 27, 1993 <br />PAGE THREE <br /> <br />Flood Reduction Project - Uodate. <br />John Stewart, City Engineer, was present. Mr. Stewart noted that <br />on October 14, 1993 a meeting was held between the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District's Attorney, Administrator, Engineer and the <br />City of Centerville's Attorney, Administrator and Engineer. Mr. <br />Stewart noted that the purpose of the meeting was to review <br />correspondence from the Attorney General and to try to work out <br />the issues to facilitate movement of the process. Mr. Stewart <br />noted the Attorney General's opinion appeared to be very <br />ambivalent and gave no clear direction. <br /> <br />Mr. Stewart reviewed a letter dated October 25, 1993 to the Rice <br />Creek Watershed District from Tamara Miltz-Miller, Centerville <br />Clerk/Administrator, reg~(ding the Flood Reduction project. <br /> <br />A copy of this letter is on file with the Clerk/Administrator. <br /> <br />Mr. Stewart <br />City Council <br />the original <br />3/Clearwater <br /> <br />also reviewed a letter dated October 25, 1993 to the <br />from MSA, Consulting Engineers regarding a review of <br />1959 construction documents for Judicial Ditch No. <br />Creek through the City of Centerville. <br /> <br />A copy of this letter is on file with the Clerk/Administrator. <br /> <br />Mr. Stewart noted that if the Rice Creek Watershed District takes <br />responsibility for the project it could begin in the fall of <br />1995. If the City of Centerville takes responsibility for the <br />project it could begin in 1994. Mr. Stewart noted it appears the <br />City of Centerville may have a majority of the project back with <br />the possible exception of the crossing at Main Street. Mr. <br />Stewart also expressed that this should not effect Centerville's <br />funding since Anoka County has committed funds for the Main <br />Street crossing. <br /> <br />Storm Drainaqe Committee Uodate. <br />Mr. Stewart noted the Storm Drainage Committee consisting of <br />Mayor Buckbee, Council member Helmbrecht, Clerk/Administrator <br />Tamara Miltz-Miller and himself met on October 26, 1993 to <br />discuss the storm drainage system for the City of Centerville. <br />Mr. Stewart noted the Committee discussed whether the improvement <br />to drainage areas is a City responsibility or a property owner's <br />responsibility. <br /> <br />Kevin McGown, 1988 Cardinal Drive, was present. Mr. McGown <br />questioned if the Committee has come up with a game plan as to <br />which drainage problem will take first priority. <br /> <br />Mr. Stewart noted that Council member <br />drainage problems in Centerville <br />consideration. Mr. Stewart noted it <br /> <br />Helmbrecht brought other <br />to the Committee for <br />is important to make sure <br />