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<br />163 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />164 OCTOBER 13, 1993 <br />165 PAGE FOUR <br />166 <br />167 Commission would be if Centerville did not take steps to <br />168 eliminate the clear water discharge. <br />169 <br />170 Clerk/Administrator Tamara Miltz-Miller noted the Metropolitan <br />171 Waste Control Commission (MWCC) compares clear water discharge <br />172 from year to year. Ms. Miltz-Miller noted the MWCC has issued a <br />173 very stern warning to the City of Centerville regarding the <br />174 discharge of clear water into the sanitary sewer system. <br />175 <br />176 Paul Thell questioned what would happen if everyone disconnects <br />177 their sump pumps from the sanitary sewer system and the flowage <br />178 is still high. <br />179 <br />180 Acting Mayor Wilharber noted the City of Centerville would then <br />181 investigate other sources of inflow/infiltration. One option <br />182 could be inspecting the sanitary sewer system with video cameras. <br />183 Acting Mayor Wilharber noted that any costs incurred may be <br />184 passed onto the sanitary sewer users. <br />185 <br />186 Acting Mayor Wilharber noted that Mayor Buckbee had submitted his <br />187 opinion regarding this issue in a memorandum to the City Council <br />188 dated October 13, 1993. A copy of Mayor Buckbee's comments are <br />189 attached to and made a part of these minutes. <br />190 <br />191 Council member Dario noted that if December 31, 1993 is the date <br />192 that all properities must be in compliance, that this should be <br />193 the final deadline. Mr. Dario expressed there should be no <br />194 exceptions to a December 31, 1993 deadline because people have <br />195 been made aware of the ordinance requirements. <br />196 <br />197 Motion by Dario, second by Brenner to waive the $75.00 surcharge <br />198 for all persons who do become complaint by December 31, 1993; a <br />199 retroactive charge to October 1, 1993 will be billed to all <br />200 persons who do not become complaint by December 31, 1993, motion <br />201 carried unanimously. <br />202 <br />203 Sump Pump Disconnection - Reauest for Extension <br />204 City staff will notify resident of the City Council's decision to <br />205 waive the $75.00 surcharge for all persons who do become <br />206 complaint by December 31, 1993, as the residents requesting the <br />207 extension will be complaint by November 30, 1993. <br />208 <br />209 A copy of the request for extension is on file with the <br />210 Clerk/Administrator. <br />211 <br />212 Economic Development Committee <br />213 Motion by Helmbrecht, second by Dario to accept the Economic <br />214 Development Commission's recommendation for an ordinance <br />215 establishing an Economic Development Committee with the one year <br />216 term recommendation, motion carried unanimously. <br />