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<br />1 CITY COUNCIL <br />2 MEETING MINUTES <br />3 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 - 7:00 P.M. <br />4 <br />5 Pu~suant to due call and notice the~eof, the City Council of the <br />6 City of Cente~ville held thei~ ~egula~ meeting on Wednesday, <br />7 Septembe~ 22, 1993 at the City Hall. Mayo~ Buckbee called the <br />8 meeting to o~de~ at 7:01 p.m. P~esent: B~enne~, Da~io, <br />9 Helmb~echt, Wilha~be~. <br />10 <br />11 MINUTES: <br />12 <br />13 Septembe~ 8. 1993 Reaular Meetina Minutes. <br />14 Motion by Buckbee, second by Wilharber to approve the September <br />15 8, 1993 meeting minutes with the following corrections: <br />16 Page One, Line 51 <br />17 Now Reads: .. . . . heart attach and wi 11 be repl aced in the <br />18 Spring of 1994." <br />19 Amend to Read: "...heart attack and will be replaced in the <br />20 Spring of 1994." <br />21 <br />22 Page Two, Line 88 <br />23 Now Reads: "...Royal Meadows tot lot has filed a claim <br />24 for damages to their..." <br />25 Amend to Read: "...Royal Meadows tot lot may file a claim <br />26 for damages to their..." <br />27 motion carried unanimously. <br />28 <br />29 Septembe~ 9. 1993 Preliminary Levy Ce~tification Special Meetina <br />30 Minutes. <br />31 Motion by Buckbee, second by Wilharber to approve the September <br />32 9, 1993 P~eliminary Levy Certification special meeting minutes, <br />33 motion carried unanimously. <br />34 <br />35 APPEARANCES: <br />36 <br />37 Milo Bennett - Centennial Fire District Chief. <br />38 Centennial Fire District Chief Milo Bennett appea~ed before the <br />39 City Council to update them on the activities of the Centennial <br />40 FIre District. Chief Bennett noted the Centennial Fire District <br />41 has received four automatic fibulators. The automatic fibulators <br />42 are used to assist with cardiac arrests. Chief Bennett stated <br />43 that all the fire fighters have received training for the <br />44 automatic fibulators. Chief Bennett explained that one automatic <br />45 fibulator is located in each of the district fire stations, and <br />46 one is located in the Fire Chief's vehicle. <br />47 <br />48 Chief Bennett noted the Centennial Fire Station #3 Open House <br />49 held in conjunction with the City Hall Open House in Cente~ville <br />50 appeared to be very successful. <br />51 <br />52 Chief Bennett noted the Centennial Fi~e District has made over <br />53 seventy presentations so far this year to various groups such as <br />54 the boy scouts and senior citizens. Chief Bennett noted that <br />