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<br />109 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />110 NOVEMBER 11, 1993 <br />111 PAGE THREE <br />11 2 <br />113 A copy of this letter is on file with the Clerk/Administrator. <br />114 <br />115 Acting Mayor Wilharber noted Mayor Buckbee had expressed concern <br />116 regarding the City of Centerville being held blameless if Lake <br />117 Sanitation's Attorney feels the Lake Sanitation contract is for <br />118 every commercial and residential property. <br />119 <br />120 Motion by Wilharber, second by Brenner to allow Blaine Waste <br />121 Management to service the Centerville Elementary School as part <br />122 of their contract to service the Centennial School District <br />123 contingent upon a letter holding the City of Centerville harmless <br />124 if Lake Sanitation takes legal action, motion carried <br />125 unanimously. <br />126 <br />127 Motion by Wilharber, second by Dario that Blaine Waste Management <br />128 pay for the cost of the letter holding the City of Centerville <br />129 harmless; the Clerk/Administrator is to draft the letter for the <br />130 City Attorney to review, motion carried unanimously. <br />1 31 <br />132 7193 West Robin Lane - Reauest to City Council to Reconsider <br />133 Removal of Drain Tile. <br />134 The City Council revlewed a letter dated November 3, 1993 from <br />135 Nancy and Pat Riley, 7193 West Robin Lane, regarding the drain <br />136 tile installed on City property. <br />137 <br />:38 A copy of this letter is attached to and made a part of these <br />139 minutes. <br />140 <br />141 Acting Mayor Wilharber noted at the October 25, 1993 City Council <br />142 meeting the property owner was directed to remove the drain tile <br />143 installed on City property and restore City property. <br />144 <br />145 Pat Riley, 7193 West Robin Lane, was present. Mr. Riley noted <br />146 the property was in foreclosure before he purchased the property <br />147 and the crawl space did not meet F.H.A. standards. Knutson <br />148 Mortgage Company contracted Minneapple Contractors to install the <br />149 drain tile. Mr. Riley expressed that he assumed the contractor <br />150 went through proper channels and was given approval to install <br />151 the drain tile. Mr. Riley noted he is caught in the middle and <br />152 would like to work out a solution. Mr. Riley noted the <br />153 contractor is no longer returning his calls. Mr. Riley noted he <br />154 has installed gutters and next spring grading work needs to be <br />155 completed. Mr. Riley noted there is limited water in the crawl <br />156 space now, but if the drain tile is removed the crawl space will <br />157 flood. Mr. Riley noted a sump pump is not an option since the <br />158 crawl space nas a dirt floor and is unheated. <br />159 <br />160 Gunnar Pettersen, Building Inspector, was present. Mr. Pettersen <br />161 noted a sump pump will not work in the crawl space because it is <br />162 not heated. Mr. Pettersen could not see an easy solution to the <br />