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<br />(4) Scaled locations of all existing and proposed utilities and easements; <br /> <br />(5) Scaled depictions of floor plans for each story; <br /> <br />(6) Scaled depictions of each building elevation and descriptions of exterior <br />building materials and color schemes; <br /> <br />(7) Scaled site grading plans, including erOSIOn and sedimentation control <br />mechanisms and procedures; <br /> <br />(8) Scaled delineations of any shore land, floodplain or wetland areas on the <br /> <br />site; <br /> <br />(9) Identification of any floodplain or wetland encroachments and detailed <br />mitigation plans; <br /> <br />(10) Detailed landscape plans, illustrating size, types and locations of all <br />materials, a description of site seeding or sodding, a description of the timetable for site <br />landscaping and the identification of any irrigation systems; and <br /> <br />(11) Detailed descriptions of any site fencing, including type, location and <br />height. All plans shall be dated and bear the preparer's name(s), including professional <br />registrations or certifications when appropriate or required. <br /> <br />(C) Review requirements. <br /> <br />(1) For actions that will require city review, applicants shall submit thre'i._s~ts _oL _ _ - -{ Deleted: 16 <br />site plans with a required application form and appropriate fees to the Administrator for <br />distribution. The City mav also require that plans be submitted in an acceptable electronic <br />fonnat. Site plans will be evaluated for consistency with documentation requirements. <br />Upon acceptance of the application, site plans will be distributed to the appropriate city <br />entity for review and recommendation. <br /> <br />(2) Action to approve, modify or deny site plan applications will be based upon <br />consistency ofthe application with the city's comprehensive plan, zoning chapter, other <br />policies and official controls and the compatibility of the proposed action with existing <br />area land uses, existing area investments and neighborhood character, capacity of public <br />streets and utilities and future planned land uses. <br /> <br />25 <br />