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2003 Resolutions & Attachments
City Council
2003 Resolutions & Attachments
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9/27/2005 3:59:47 PM
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<br />of such contributed equipment. All expenses relating to the maintenance and repair of such <br />equipment shall be an operating expense of the Department. <br /> <br />7.2 Land and Buildings. Each of tIle cities to this Agreement may lease building space to the <br />Police Depaliment. Such land and/or building space shall be owned by the city and leased to the <br />Police Depaliment. SUCIl lease is to be an operating cost of the Departlllent. Any lease requires <br />the approval of all melnber cities. Existillg leases will be honored. The Governing Board shall <br />control use of the buildillgs and land. <br /> <br />7.3 Ownership. Equipment purchased by the Department after the effective date oftIlis <br />agreelnent shall be owned by the Departlllellt. TIle Chief of Police shall conduct an equipment <br />inventory amlually and presellt such information to each member city. <br /> <br />7.4 All equipment shall be used when lleeded for the benefit of tIle member cities. The <br />equiplnellt shall not be used outside the boundaries of tIle lllember cities except as follows: <br /> <br />a) When police enlergencies nlay endanger life or property within the lnember cities. <br /> <br />b) Whell use is covered by contracts duly elltered illtO by the Govemillg Board. <br /> <br />c) When necessary to fulfill mutual aid agreelnent duly entered into by tIle Govenling <br />Board. <br /> <br />d) In case ofnlajor enlergellcy or disaster, wIlell autIlorized by the Cllief of Police, or in <br />his absence, tIle officer in charge. Such use shall be repolied as soon as possible to the <br />Chief of Police of tIle Departnlent. Such use, as authorized above for LIse outside the <br />nlelllber cities, shall be carried out only wIlell the officer in charge Ilas determined that <br />the absence of equip11lent frOlll the Depaliment will not inlpair the protectioll of the <br />me11lber cities. The officer ill charge sIlal1 have tIle authority to detenllille priority in <br />answering calls and to assign equipment and nlallpower. <br /> <br />e) When specifically alItI10rized by the Gove11ling Board. <br /> <br />SECTION VIII <br />FUNDIN G <br /> <br />8.1 Melnber Contributions. Durillg eacll calelldar year each city shalllllake equal mOllthly <br />paynlellts to tIle Departnlent, its share of the total operating budget, as provided for ill Section <br />VIII of tI1is Agreelnellt. Capital and operating expenses of tIle Departnlent shall be COlltributed <br />by eacIl city according to the followillg fOlmula: <br /> <br />The follo\ving calculation sIlall determine eacIl city's share of the cities' contribution to the <br />police budget. The formula \veight calls at 40%, population at 40% and International <br />Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) fonl1ula for number of officers at 20%. <br /> <br />- 6 - <br />
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