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2003 Resolutions & Attachments
City Council
2003 Resolutions & Attachments
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9/27/2005 3:59:47 PM
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<br />Formula: <br /> <br />Step 1 (%A x40) + (%Px40) + (%Ox20) == city total <br /> <br />Step 2 Each city's individual total is summed to acIlieve a grand total. The City's <br />percelltage of the grand total is their share of the City's contribution to tIle police budget. <br /> <br />A == Each city's average number of complaint numbers generated for the last three (3) <br />calendar years as a percentage of total calls. <br /> <br />P == Each city's population. Source for populatioll information shall be the latest <br />Metropolitan COUllCil estilnate of the population as a percelltage of the member cities total <br />population. <br /> <br />o == The nunlber of officers each city would require as dete1111illed by the IACP staffing <br />formula as it existed in 1999 as a percentage of the total officers suggested by the formula. A <br />copy is attached as Appendix B. <br /> <br />To further clarify the fonnula alld their illtended relationship, specific exanlples of the f011nulas <br />are attached as Appendix A. <br /> <br />SECTION IX <br />BUDGET <br /> <br />9.1 Govemillg Board Budget Process. The CIlief of Police shall SUblllit a budget to the <br />Govenling Board by July 1 st of each year. <br /> <br />The Governing Board sllall tIlen review the proposed budget and 11lake a recoll1melldation to the <br />melnber cities by August 1 st. Each city shall have until Septenlber 15th to accept the budget. If <br />alllnember cities Ilave l10t accepted tIle budget by Septelnber 15th, the Governillg Board will <br />Inake all attempt to resolve outstalldillg issues alld sllall report back by October 31 st. The cities <br />will then 11ave from October 31 st to Novelnber 30t11 to approve the proposed budget. Allllew <br />budgets must be agreed to by all ll1ember cities, to becolne effective. <br /> <br />9.2 Base Budget. If, by Novell1ber 30t11, tIle l11elnber cities are ullable to l11utually agree 011 tIle <br />proposed budget for the upconling year, the amoullt of the previous year's operating budget will <br />be increased by the lesser of tIle followillg: <br /> <br />a) The illcrease in tIle July to July, Milmeapolis and 8t. Paul COllsulner Price Index for all <br />Urban Consumers (CPI) for the period ending nlost illlil1ediately prior to the <br />commencement of the budget year over tIle same illdex for the previous year. <br /> <br />or <br /> <br />- 7 - <br />
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