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<br />( <br /> <br />ORDINANCE #26 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE STARTING OR ACCELERATING OF ANY <br />MOTOR VEHICLE WITH AN UNNECESSARY EXHIBITION OF SPEED; <br />PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. <br /> <br />The City Council of the City of Centerville does ordain: <br /> <br />SECTION 1. UNNECESSARY SPEED. No person shall start or <br /> <br />accelerate any motor vehicle with an unnecessary exhibition of <br /> <br />speed on any public or private way. Prima facie evidence of <br />such unnecessary exhibition of speed shall be unreasonable <br />squealing or screeching sounds emitted by the tires or the <br />throwing of sand and gravel by the tires of said vehicle or both. <br />SECTION 2. PENALTY. Any persons who violate any of the <br />provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a petty mis- <br />demeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $100.00. <br />SECTION J. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be <br /> <br />effective upon its passage and publication. <br />Passed by the City Council of the City of Centerville <br /> <br />on this IJth day of April, 1977. <br /> <br /> <br />ATtEST.: <br /> <br />'~O-J>~ ~- ...... '--~~---' t C~_'-' w - L.c~ ...~ <br />~Lu Prachar, Clerk-Treasurer <br /> <br />~ <br />