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<br />July 13, 2001 <br />Emergency Council Meeting Minutes <br />consumes and takes away from her day-to-day responsibilities. Ms. Bender stated that <br />she proofs Council and the Planning and Zoning meeting minutes, completes Fete des <br />Lacs and the Ad Hoc Communications Committee meeting minutes. How much time is <br />consumed by these functions and current Staff is already overloaded. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra stated that she had spoken with Ms. Bender previously and <br />mentioned the fact that Council had previously tabled a request for a Receptionist and <br />Mr. March stated that he would forward a recommendation to Council. Council Member <br />Capra stated that she believed this would be forwarded prior to the next budget was set; <br />as far as hiring Staff. Council Member Capra stated that she believed, based on the <br />accounting firms report, that current staff is capable of completing the accounting <br />functions; however, being in a small office, answering telephones and completing other <br />tasks is taking them away and it is extremely difficult to work with numbers and have <br />interruptions. Council Member Capra stated that she did not desire a Receptionist be <br />hired because she desired that the individual have more responsibilities than answering <br />the telephone. Council Member Capra stated that she desired that a Clerk be hired, <br />someone that would have more responsibilities than someone who just answers the <br />telephone. Council Member Capra felt that same would be a waste of tax dollars. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson stated that she felt that the new City Administrator would have <br />staffing recommendations. Council Member Capra stated that she would not have a <br />problem with securing a temporary individual to assist in answering telephones, etc. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued in regards to Council's previous motion to hire an intern, Mr. March <br />training same and the need to ascertain if Mr. March had offered the position. Council <br />Member Broussard Vickers felt that Staff could direct the intern in terms of projects that <br />are on going. Council Member Broussard Vickers felt that the City had an individual that <br />was qualified and willing to work for the fee previously discussed, the City has projects <br />even if that means answering the telephone, etc. Ms. Bender would direct the intern as to <br />duties and responsibilities as Staff needs require. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers stated that to the end that Staffs current time is <br />being consumed by Committees/Commissions, same cease immediately. No more <br />projects for Parks and Recreation, Economic Development and Fete des Lacs, until Staff <br />and Council are able to provide assistance in these areas. If this means that the <br />committees slow down so be it, the committees are here to provide input and advice; <br />other than Planning and Zoning which has more legal function because of plats, etc. The <br />remaining Committees wait, any Committee that consumes Staff time demand ceases <br />now and Staff concentrates on administrative, day-to-day operations. Council Member <br />Broussard Vickers felt that there was no reason why Council could not go to those <br />Committees and inform them that we are experiencing a shortage of Staff, you can not <br />have Staff time anymore, you can do your own research, copying, even if it would mean <br />no more Staff time spent at meetings for minute taking or liaison so the City does not <br />have any lost time out of the office due to the use of compensatory time because Staffhas <br />been at a meeting. Council Member Broussard Vickers felt that for two (2) or three (3) <br />months it is not an issue. Most of the issues on the table with Committees can wait. <br />Council Member Travis stated that he felt is was a very good suggestion; however, same <br />may irritate some people but during the interim you have to. Council Member Broussard <br /> <br />Page 4 of 15 <br />