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<br />CPTED Stratooies- PrinceWilliam County. Virqinia <br /> <br />PARKS, TRAILSand OPEN <br />SPACES <br /> <br />Parks, trai I s and OpEn spaces provi de a <br />number of desi gn challEnges for <br />perSJnal safety, as they are typi call y <br />large and usa:! by a variety of people. <br />D i roct obsa-vati on is not al ways pasS bl e <br />or even desi red in natural 93l:ti ngs. <br />OftEn, there is a oonfl i ct between S3fety <br />pri no pi es and presa-vi ng the natural ness <br />of the r89Jurce. <br /> <br />Designing for S3fety in the::eareas <br />should be forusa:l on pathways, parki ng <br />areas and other areas of oonC61trated <br />acti vi ty. <br /> <br /> <br />Placing children's activities in a <br />highly visible location provides s(?le <br />play areas and limits unwanted <br />activities. <br /> <br />NATURAL SURVEI l lANCE <br /> <br />· locate parki ng lots, pi cni c areas <br />and facilities usEri at night near <br />streets and other acti vi ty centers SJ <br />they are easi Iy observable by <br />pol i ce patrol s and other park users. <br />CI uster oompati ble activities to <br />avoid oonflict and to increase <br />SJci al observati on. <br /> <br />19 <br /> <br />· Locate children's areas and public <br />rest rooms near staffed areas to <br />make observati on of these areas <br />easi er. <br />· Tot lots shouldn't be place::! near <br />streets, roadways, pedestrian trails <br />or SEd uded areas. The tot lot <br />should be fence::! using tubular <br />steel fenci ng. <br />· Pasi ti oni ng SJrne bi ke trai I s and <br />wal ki ng paths near areas of park <br />activity or at places where parks <br />meet commerci al or resi denti al <br />uses, or pairing them with active <br />streets can make users more <br />observabl e by others. <br />. Rocogni ze that SJrne natural park <br />areas cannot be observed or made <br />safe duri ng night hours. <br />· Provi de good Ii ghti ng f or areas <br />that can be safely usEri at night. <br /> <br />NATURAL ACCESS CONTROL <br /> <br />. Provide dearly visible entries to <br />park buildings. Light them if usEri <br />at ni ght. <br />. Provi de a dear di stance of at I east <br />10 fret between the trails and <br />wood-I ines to offer decent sight <br />lines and distance from potential <br />attacks. <br />. Provide a dear separation between <br />regional trails and private <br />property. The separation should <br />permit leaving the trail in an <br />emergency. <br />· If a particularly attractive portion <br />of the trail is iSJlated, making its <br />users vul nerabl e, create and cI earl y <br />mark an al ternate, observabl e path <br />that gives users a choice for safer <br />mobility. <br />· CI earl y mark the areas to be used <br />only during the day with entrance <br />signs or gates to oontrol <br />accessi bi I i ty . <br />