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CITIZENS OF CENTERVILLE, CIRCLE PINES AND <br />LEXINGTON <br />Now training Community Emergency Response Team Mem- <br />bers. <br />95% of the time witnesses, bystanders, neighbors or fellow victims are the first to <br />assist in an emergency or disaster. Know what to do-train as a CERT member <br />and become awell-trained volunteer ready to assist in the event of a disaster in <br />our community. <br />The Centennial Lakes CERT will be holding its third training session for mem- <br />bers of the community who would like to become trained and equipped to assist <br />in a disaster. Join the team and become a valuable volunteer resource. Becom- <br />ing avolunteer will prepare you to help your family, your neighbors, and your <br />community if a disaster should occur. You will meet others from the community, <br />get to know more about the community, and become part of a dedicated team of <br />volunteers who want to help others and be involved. <br />Trainings will be held at the Centennial Lakes Police Department on Wednesday <br />evenings beginning April 22 through June 3, 2009. Training is conducted from <br />6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Please contact Michelle Lakeo for more information at <br /> or (651 } 407-1423. <br />PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE VACANCY <br />You too could become involved in your community and take pride in being a part <br />of planning local park amenities, programs, future trails and future parks. The <br />Committee has one (1) seat that is available and just waiting for enthusiastic <br />individuals to participate. The Committee meets the first Wednesday of each <br />month, If you are interested, visit the City's website for an application, stop by <br />City Hall or call City Hall. v <br />~. <br />19th ANNUAL FETE DES LACS ~~;~" <br />THEME "MEDIEVAL" ~ ~"~~ <br />;~' <br />AUGUST 7, 8, & 9, 2009 ~. ,~ <br />It is not to early to register for the annual Festival of the Lakes <br />parade or to volunteer your time assisting during these events. If you are inter- <br />ested in volunteering for the parade, please contact Tom or Judy Lee at (651) <br />426-1254 or email Lee family@q,com. If you are interested in volunteering for <br />the 8K RunlWalk, please contact Patrick Branch at or contact <br />City Hall. If you are interested in volunteering for any other events, please con- <br />tactGreg Kieselhorst at or (612} 221-9122. You <br />can also obtain information at the City's web site orcontact City Hall. <br />ARE YOU A RUNNER OR WALKER, CAN YOU MAKE 8KI5 MILES? <br />The City's Parks & Recreation Committee is currently scheduling an 8K15 mile <br />run or walk as part of the City's annual Fete des Lacs celebration scheduled for <br />August 7, 8 and 9, 2009. The runlwalk will take place on August 8 commencing <br />at 8:00 a.m. Athletes of all ages and fitness levels are encouraged to partici- <br />pate. The runlwalk will take place around picturesque Centerville Lake. You can <br />register or obtain more information by visiting www, or <br />, Registration for the event is $20.00; however, both <br />sites will be offering registration with anearly-bird discount of $5.00 until June 6, <br />2009. Registrations received after June 6, 2009 but prior to August 7, 2009 will <br />be $20.00 and same day registration will be $25.00 on site. On-line registration <br />may include a minimal registration processing fee. All registrants will receive a <br />finishers commemorative t-shirt. If you have any additional <br />questions regarding this event, email pbranch( or ~ ~~ ~~ <br />y .. <br />contactCit Hall. ~-= , ~~~~ <br />.' Ff ~~w4'~ 4 F ~~3 <br />~a~ _ ~` ~ _ <br />,,..~~ ,. <br />CENTERVILLE PARK PLAY DAYS <br />The YMCA and the City of Centerville Parks & Recreation Committee are offer- <br />ing children ages 4-12 the opportunity to come and play at Laurie LaMotte Me- <br />morial Park, 6970 LaMotte Drive. There will be a variety of crafts, games, activi- <br />ties, sports. Participating children will split into two age groups; ages 4-7 and <br />ages 8-12. You may register on line at www, or call (612) <br />822-2267. <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE'S 17TH ANNUAL <br />~~~:~~~~~~~~~- GARAGE SALEICLEANUP DAYS <br />.,~. ~k <br />~, ~ Garage Sale Days is May 8 and 9 starting at 8:00 a.m. If you would <br />like to participate, please visit our website at <br />~~~, <br />~y f~, to download a registration form, locate with this mailing or pick one up <br />at City Hall, Please complete the form and mail, drop off or place in <br />with your utility bill payment. Cleanup day will be on May 9, 2009. <br />MAKE YOUR OWN TV SHOW! <br />Did you know North Metro TU in Blaine, MN offers free TU classes and production <br />equipment at its studio in Blaine? Here's how it works... <br />1, Call (763) 231-2803 for information or go to our website at northmetrotv,com, <br />click on public access, and see our current class schedule with descriptions of <br />each class. <br />2, Call our Studio Manager, Erick at (763) 231-2803 to sign up for the classes. <br />3. Once you have completed a class, you can use any of our equipment here at <br />the studio or even check it out and take it home for free! <br />4, Create a video, TU show, or movie using our cameras, microphones, lights, <br />studios, and edit suites. <br />5. Turn it in and we will air it on Channel 14! <br />., <br />If really is that simple! Remember, it is COMPLETELY FREE of <br />charge to residents of Blaine, Ham Lake, Centerville, Circle <br />Pines, Lexington, Lino Lakes and Spring Lake Park, <br />Whether you are an individual or an organization, North Metro TU gives you all the <br />professional tools and training you need to make creating a television show a real- <br />ity. <br />North Metro TU is located on the corner of Polk and Cty. Rd. 14, stop by anytime! <br />FREE PARKING PERMIT(S) <br />NB MRNINC <br />.~~.~ <br />~~°° Did you know that parking on the streets between the hours of 3:00 a.m. <br />and 7;00 a.m. is prohibited? Did you know that Centerville's parking per- <br />mitsare free? <br />If you anticipate that you will have overnight guest(s) or your own vehicle will be <br />temporarily parked on the street, please contact City Hall and we will be happy to <br />provide you with a free parking permit. Please be prepared to provide license plate <br />#, year, make, model and color of the vehicle that will be parked on the street over- <br />night. <br />,,.,~A.,~.~ <br />CENTENNIAL LAKES POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY <br />INVITATION { <br />Residents of the City of Centerville are receiving an invitation from the Cen- ;~ <br />tennial Lakes Police Department to participate in their new philosophy of Problem <br />Oriented Policing (P,O.P,), Problem solving is the primary strategy of Community <br />Oriented Policing. The philosophy is not sufficient to merely respond to a report of <br />a specific crime: an officer should also attempt to find a permanent solution to any <br />possible recurring problems by identifying and correcting underlying conditions that <br />led to the call for service. The police department feels that if the philosophy is to be <br />successful, it is imperative that they and the community work together "in partner- <br />ship". The police department cannot achieve excellence without the community's <br />assistance. The community meeting will take place on April 14, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. <br />at St. Genevieve Community Parish Center located at 6995 Centerville Road. If <br />you have any questions prior to the meeting, please contact (763) 784-2501, <br />COUNTYICITY WIDE CURFEW <br />Check with City Hall or the City's website regarding details: (651) 429-3232 or <br />, <br />RE-SIDING AFTER STORM DAMAGE? <br />Please remember that you or your contractor are responsible for the re-installation <br />f of the touch pad unit for remote reading of your water services. <br />A picture of the touchpad is to the left. <br />~' <br />~~ ~ PURCHASE LOCALLY <br />With everyone feeling the economic pinch, save those gas <br />dollars, help reduce emissions and put those dollars thatyou would spend else- <br />where into purchasing services or products from Centerville businesses. <br />