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<br />~. <br /> <br />Ms. Galli indicated the DNR is looking at every human disturbance identified on the Jake <br />and intends to take action. Mosquito Control has been notified not to encroach into the <br />area, and the DNR firefighting planes and helicopters have been asked not to fill up in the <br />lake in order to protect the birds and the planes because large birds and planes do not <br />mix. She also noted that she would be asking the seaplane people not to fly in the area <br />because of the heron colony. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg indicated that Ms. Galli had done a published study currently in press <br />that looked at foraging behavior on Peltier Lake. He then asked if the City could have a <br />copy of that study for the website. <br /> <br />Ms. Galli indicated she would be happy to provide a copy of the article once she has <br />obtained permission from the co-author to do so. <br /> <br />Ms. Galli indicated the study looked at where herons and egrets went to eat. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra explained that a woman in an airplane followed the birds to <br />determine where they go to eat. She then told residents that she has been extensively <br />researching this matter for the last two weeks and will carefully consider all the <br />information she has obtained when making her decision. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson asked what Ms. Galli would recommend for the no wake zone. <br /> <br />Ms. Galli indicated the best thing for the birds would be the larger no wake zone but said <br />she was comfortable with the 200 foot buffer because it would protect the natural <br />resourccs. <br /> <br />Mr. Jeff Perry, Anoka County Parks and Rccreation Manager, indicated it was part of his <br />job to manage the regional park reserve and provide a formal recommendation for where <br />the line should be placed and his recommendation is the red line on his map. He then <br />went through a chronology of how the area of the island and the north end of the lake was <br />classilied as a high quality area for plant and animal communities. <br /> <br />Mr. Perry showed a map of Anoka County lakes and wetlands that set Peltier Island and <br />the nortll end 0 f the lake as an area that has not been disturbed and fWlctions at a high <br />level. He then indicated the County wants to do everything it can to help sustain this <br />area. <br /> <br />Mr. Perry indicated in 1999 the County received a letter from a resident that was <br />concerned with high-speed boat traffic near the island. The County took a look at that <br />situation, attended a Lake Association meeting and stressed the importance of the area <br />and explained that, if boaters were not careful, the area could be disturbed. The rookery <br />was abandoned in June of 2000 and Ms. Joan Galli of the DNR agreed to begin <br />monitoring the rookery. <br /> <br />Page 8 of21 <br />