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<br />Resolution No. 00-43 <br />Page 26 <br /> <br />18.13 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP <br /> <br />Employees who are considering participation on a committee for a professional <br />organization, or some other work-related task, shall notify the Training Officer prior <br />to accepting appointment to the committee. The Training Officer shall also be notified if <br />an employee is considering becoming a Board member of a professional organization. <br /> <br />SECTION 19. NEPOTISM POLICY <br /> <br />19.1 Relatives of current City employees and City Council members are not <br />eligible for employment in job classifications in which a conflict of interest may occur. <br />Therefore, relatives will not be hired where: <br />(a) one relative would have the authority or practical power to supervise, appoint, <br />remove, or discipline the other; <br />(b) one would be responsible for auditing the work of the other; <br />(c) other circumstances exist which would place the relative in a situation of <br />actual or reasonably foreseeable conflict between the City's interests and their own; <br />and <br />(d) where the applicanUCity employee has a relative who is employed by an <br />organization with whom the City has business dealings, and in the City's judgment, <br />considering the positions and job responsibilities of both the applicantJemployee and <br />the relative would create an appearance of improper influence or favor or would <br />jeopardize the confidentiality of data maintained by the City. <br /> <br />19.2 The City is not obligated to give special treatment, such as preferential <br />scheduling, to married couples. <br /> <br />19.3 Definitions <br />Relative: The term "relative" when used in this policy means any two (2) or more <br />individuals who reside in the same dwelling unit or who are related to each other by <br />blood, marriage, or adoption where one of the individuals is the spouse, parent, <br />grandparent, child, brother, or sister of the other. <br />Employee: Anyone employed in a full- or part-time regular status position, or in a <br />seasonal, temporary, or paid on-call firefighter position. <br /> <br />19.4 Persons employed prior to December 2, 1998, who are presently working <br />in a position that would be in conflict with this policy, will be exempted from this policy. <br /> <br />19.5 Whenever any appointed officer or employee becomes related, either by <br />marriage or adoption, to another officer or employee in one of the relationships <br />previously listed in this policy, the affected officer(s) and/or employee(s) shall be <br />allowed to remain in his/her position(s) for a period of one year from the date on which <br />the affected person (s) became related. During the one year period, the affected <br />person(s) shall be permitted to apply for a transfer to any available position with the City <br />which is both comparable in salary and benefits to the position which the affected <br />person(s) holds, and for which the affected person(s) is qualified, the term "comparable <br />in salary and benefits" shall mean monetary compensation of up to ten percent (10%) <br />less or more than the person's current monetary compensation. Any such transfer must <br />