Laserfiche WebLink
<br />in the same manner as work-related use of the <br />Internet. <br /> <br />8. The user's supervisor or the City <br />Administrator shall authorize initial access <br />to and training for use of the Internet, if <br />there is no supervisor. <br /> <br />9. Some information that can be downloaded from <br />the Internet for use may be protected by <br />copyright law (e.g. company logos, news <br />photos). Use of such items by users shall be <br />consistent with copyright law. <br /> <br />lO.No user shall allow an unauthorized person, <br />whether employed by the City or not, to <br />access the Internet through the City's <br />network for any reason. <br /> <br />11.Because the transfer of information via the <br />Internet is not secure, any user transmitting <br />confidential information must do so in <br />writing through the traditional mail system. <br /> <br />l2.Users may not access or download resources <br />for which there is a fee without first <br />obtaining prior approval from his/her <br />supervisor or the City Administrator. <br /> <br />l3.Use of personal software and/or personal <br />Internet accounts is prohibited. <br /> <br />l4.Users, other than those specifically <br />designated, shall not install, configure, <br />change, or reconfigure any computer, browser, <br />or electronic mail settings on PC's <br />configured to use the Internet. <br /> <br />l5.Because application software obtained on the <br />Internet may contain embedded viruses or <br />otherwise interfere with the City's network, <br />the City recommends against the downloading <br />to City computers of such software. Only <br />software downloaded must relate to legitimate <br />City purposes. Any and all such software <br />downloaded from the Internet shall be <br />downloaded to the user's local hard drive (C: <br />drive). Files may not be copied to the <br />network unless and until they have been <br />manually or automatically scanned for <br /> <br />VI-8 <br />