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<br />Resolution No. 00-43 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />SECTION 6. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION <br /> <br />6.1 All appointments shall be made by the City Administrator on the basis of <br />merit and fitness for the position. Merit and fitness may be determined by written, oral <br />and/or other job-relevant examination, as well as by consideration of education, past <br />experience and other job-relevant qualifications. The City Council shall confirm all <br />appointments to full-time positions. <br /> <br />6.2 Announcement. A public notice of the time and place to apply for a position <br />shall be published once in the official publication of the City, or in a newspaper of general <br />circulation of the City at least five calendar days in advance of the deadline for <br />application. Notice shall be required for all positions (with the exception of entry level <br />Police Officer) except that applications may be limited to current City employees where <br />the City Administrator has determined qualified candidates are available in-house. Inter- <br />office notification shall occur at the same time as public notice. The notice shall specify <br />title and salary range of the available position, the manner of making applications, the <br />closing date for accepting applications, job-relevant minimum requirements and other <br />pertinent information. <br /> <br />6.3 Application Form. Unless otherwise stipulated by the Personnel Office, <br />applications shall be made on written forms. <br /> <br />6.4 Examination. If examination is required for a position, the examination shall <br />be administered by the Personnel Office at a time and place established by the Office. <br />Upon receipt of the examination results, the Personnel Office shall notify each person <br />taking the examination in writing of the results of the examination. Examination scores will <br />be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Veteran's Preference Act where <br />applicable. <br /> <br />6.5 Communitv/Current Emplovee Preference. Preference may be given to <br />Cottage Grove residents and/or current employees when, in the opinion of the appointing <br />authority, job-relevant qualifications are approximately equal and such preference is not in <br />conflict with other City policies (i.e. equal employment opportunity). <br /> <br />6.6 Application Review. The Personnel Office shall review all applications and <br />conduct job-relevant background reviews. The Personnel Officer shall reject any applicant <br />not meeting minimum qualifications required for the position, shall screen applications to <br />determine candidate qualifications and may then conduct initial interviews of the <br />applicants whose qualifications are best-suited for the position. <br /> <br />The Personnel Officer shall then submit a list of names of eligible candidates to the <br />Department Head. <br /> <br />6.7 Interview Board. The interview board shall interview those persons whose <br />names have been submitted as the eligible candidates, and shall, thereafter, make <br />recommendations to the City Administrator for appointment to the position. All <br />appointments shall be made based upon experience, qualifications, examination results, <br />