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<br />Employees are encouraged to take advantage of training opportunities to <br />help them improve the performance of their present work assignments and <br />to prepare them for future assignments. <br /> <br />This may include seminars, lectures, workshops, and tuition-assisted <br />course work at accredited institutions. Cost, staffing issues, need benefit <br />to the City, and other appropriate issues will be considered by the <br />supeNisor in approving requests or assigning training. Time to attend <br />required training will normally be paid time. <br /> <br />Advance payment may be authorized for conference registration fees. <br />Once paid, employees may be held responsible for those fees if the <br />employee later chooses not to attend. Other expenses eligible for <br />reimbursement require receipt of appropriate documentation. Required <br />documentation and receipts vary depending on the event. Meals, lodging <br />and parking required itemized receipts. Other documentation will be <br />specified by the City Council. <br /> <br />13.2 Travel Reimbursement <br /> <br />< <br />The City Council may authorize travel at City expense for the effective <br />conduct of City business. Authorization must be granted prior to incurring <br />the actual expenses. Employees so authorized will receive <br />reimbursement for necessary and incidental expenses according to the <br />terms outlined in this policy. <br /> <br />a) Automobile Expense. When employees are required to use their <br />own vehicles to conduct City business or to attend approved <br />training, the City will reimburse the employee for mileage at a rate <br />established by the City Council action. The adopted rate will <br />remain in effect until a change in rate is approved. <br /> <br />b) OverniQht Travel. Lodging expenses include actual reasonable <br />cost of lodging while away on approved travel or training. The <br />amount of reimbursement for an individual attendee of a <br />conference or meeting will normally be the least expensive single <br />room rate available at the location of the conference, or the actual <br />cost, whichever is less. <br /> <br />If two (2) City representatives of the same gender are <br />attending the same approved event, the maximum <br />reimbursable expense will normally be the lowest two- <br />bed double-room rate at the conference site or the actual <br />expense incurred, whichever is less (one room for two <br />attendees). <br /> <br />23 <br />