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<br />4. Unsolicited items such as meals which may be provided during <br />meetings, receptions, or other gatherings where the elected official <br />or employee is in attendance in his/her official capacity. <br /> <br />23.3 Falsification of Records <br /> <br />No person shall knowingly make any false statement, certificate, mark, rating or <br />report in regard to any test, certificate, or appointment held or made under the <br />City of Centerville's personnel system, or in any manner commit or attempt to <br />commit, any fraud preventing the impartial execution of the provisions of these <br />policies. <br /> <br />23.4 Rendering of Consideration <br /> <br />No person seeking employment to, or promotion in, the City of Centerville will <br />either directly or indirectly give, render, or pay any money, service, or other <br />valuable consideration to any person on account of or in connection with, the <br />test, appointment, or promotion, or proposed appointment or promotion. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />23.5 Use and Safeguarding of City Property <br /> <br />No employee shall use or permit the use of City owned vehicles, equipment, <br />tools, machinery, materials, or other property per personal conveniences or profit <br />unless the use is available to the public generally or is provided as a municipal <br />policy for the use of such public official or employee in the conduct of official <br />business. City employees shall not store personal property on City property or in <br />City facilities for more than 30 consecutive days. <br /> <br />All employees of the City of Centerville who have authority over, or the use of <br />City vehicles, equipment, machinery or property in the course of their duties must <br />assume responsibility for the safeguarding and care of such items. <br /> <br />23.6 Disclosure of Confidential Information <br /> <br />No City employee, with respect to any transaction, zoning decision, or other <br />matter which may be the subject of an official act or action of the City of <br />Centerville shall without proper legal authorization, disclose confidential <br />information concerning the property, government or affairs of the City of <br />Centerville, or use such information to advance the financial or other private <br />interest of the elected official or employee or anyone else authorized to act on <br />the behalf of the City. <br /> <br />34 <br />