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<br />MAR-27-2001 es:BO <br /> <br />,,-. <br /> <br />(Ell <br /> <br />(C) <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />:,,-., <br /> <br />CITY OF LIND LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.04/19 <br /> <br />ADULT uSE - ACCESSORY. The offering- of ra~aU <br />'loads for sale which are classified as adult use. <br />on a limited scale and which are incidental to the <br />primary activ1ty- and goods /ArId/or servic85 offered <br />by the establiehlllent. EXUples of auch itelllS <br />inClude the aale of adult maqazines, the sale <br />a:nd./or rental of adult llIOtion piotures, the sale of <br />adult novelti.a, and the llke. (AlsCl ..e <br />applicable sect-ions of the city Zonir19 Code for <br />further requirelllents daf ininq adult us. acc...ery.) <br /> <br />ADum uSBS - PLUNCIPALI The offering of iOOds <br />and/or sanieea Which are olassified as adul't usas <br />as a primary or sola activity of a buaines. or <br />..tabUshlllent and inoluded but are not limited to <br />tha folloVinq: <br /> <br />(1) Adult u.. - Bod.y l'aint.i.nCj 8tuclio. An <br />establishment or which provide. the <br />.ervlce of applyin'1 paint or other suJ:IstancelI, <br />Whether traneparent or non-transparent, to or <br />on the body of a patron when such body is <br />Wholly or partially nude in terms of "specified <br />anatOllical are.ISM. <br /> <br />(2) Adult Use - Bookstore. A building or portion <br />of a l:lullciinq used for the barter, rental or <br />sale of itlilms consistin; of printed matter, <br />pictures, eliCia., recordS, audio tape, <br />videotape, oompaot discs, oo~puter software, <br />41r;ital racordi1'l9s, motion picture fillll, or <br />otlutr CCIlllIlunicat.ion lIIediWlla it .uch buil.ding or <br />portion of a buildinq is not open to the public;: <br />CjenerallY ~ut only to one or more olassGC of <br />the public uclucUnq any minor by raason of age <br />or if a sUbstantial or siqnificant portion of <br />such item. are 4i.~1nquillbed or characterized <br />by an emphasis en the d.epiction or desoription <br />ot "specified. sexual activities" or "specified <br />anatomical ar.a... <br /> <br />(3 J AdUlt use - cabaret. A building or portion of <br />a buildinq ussd for providing dancinq or other <br />live enterta1lll11snt, if such building or portion <br />of a l:lUildi:nCJ excludes minors by virtue of "qa <br />or it such dancing or other 11 ve entartainment <br />1s di8tinguiehed or chuacterized by an <br />emphasis on the presentation, Qisplay, <br />4epiction or description of "specified sexual <br />lLctiviti_" or "specified anatClllical arn.". <br /> <br />{4) Adult U.e - COIIIpaniolUlhip E5tablisblllent:. A <br />companionship ..tablishment whicn lilXclUda. <br />minors by rGa~n of aqa, or Which provide. the <br />slilrVics or engaging in or listeninq to <br /> <br />152 <br />