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<br />MAA-2'7-a;)rl1 09: as <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />....--. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />CITY OF Ll i'-O LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.05/19 <br /> <br />c:onversation, talk or discu.sion :between an <br />employee ot the estaQlishaent and a auatomer. <br />if such s.rvice is distlnquisbed or <br />characterized by an EQIlPhasl. on "specified. <br />sexual activit:!..s" or "specified anatQllioal <br />areas 1\ . <br /> <br />(5,> <br /> <br />Adult U&e - Conversation/Rap Parlor. A <br />conversation/rap parlor whioh excludes minors <br />by reuon of aoe, or Whioh provides the servioe <br />of en;agill9 in or listeninq to conversation, <br />talk, or dlscullsion, if su= servic. i. <br /><listinquished or c:haracte%'1le4 by an emphuis <br />en "specified. sewilLl activities" or "specified <br />anatollical aralull". <br /> <br />Adult Use - Health/Sport ':lub. A health/sport. <br />CluD wh:l.oh exeludu lII.1.nors by reason of -0., Or <br />if such club i. distinguished or charaoterized. <br />by an emphasis on "speoified sexual activities" <br />or "specified anatomieal areas". <br /> <br />P) Adult Us. - Hotel or !(o'tel. Adult ho'tel or <br />motsl means II betel or motel frOll which minors <br />are specifically exclucla4 from pa.tronaqe and <br />wherein mat.erial is prasented ....h1ch is <br />distinguished or ~araoteriz.d ~ an eaphasis <br />on matter de~ictin~. deseribinq or relatinq to <br />"speoified. sexual activities" or "specified <br />anatomical are.e". <br /> <br />(6) <br /> <br />(8) Adult Use - Kassaqe Parlor. Health Club. A <br />lIlAllsaga parlor or health clUl:l whioh res1:.rict& <br />minors by reason of age, anr:1 whioh providll8 the <br />Be~ic.. of massage, it 8uch service i. <br />distinquished or charaoterized by an emphasis <br />on "speoified nxual activitie." or -specified <br />anatollioal areas". <br /> <br />(9) Adult Use - Hini-Hotton Picture Theater. A <br />builClin'i or portion of II wilc:l1ng wi'\;h a <br />capacity for leas '\:han JO persom. used for <br />presenting material it such builcUnq or portion <br />of a buildinq all II prevailinq practice excludes <br />minors by virtue of aqe, or if 8uch material <br />is distinguished or characterized by an <br />emphasis on .specified sexual activiti.." or <br />"specified. anatCllllical areas" for observation l:ly <br />patrons therein. <br /> <br />(10) A4ult Use - Jlodel1nq Studio. An ..~li"'hIII..nt <br />whose major buain... ill the proviSion. to <br />custolflera. or figure modelS who are so Fovir:1eci <br />with 'the intcmt ot providinq s.xual atillNlation <br />or sexual qratificatipn to such customers and. <br /> <br />153 <br />