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<br />MAR-27-2001 89: 06 <br /> <br />,...... <br /> <br />.--. <br /> <br />_. <br /> <br />(12) <br /> <br />(13) <br /> <br />(14) <br /> <br />(15) <br /> <br />CITY OF U ill LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P. 06/19 <br /> <br />( '1.:1.) <br /> <br />\tinO enqllge in "specified sexual activities" or <br />display "speoif1e~ anatomical areo.s" while <br />being o~rved, painted, painted. upon, <br />ak"ch.d. drawn, ."UlpturCld, photographed, or <br />otherwise depicted by SUM custQlllers. <br /> <br />Adult Use - Motion Picture Arcade. Ani place <br />to which the pUblic 1. permitted or nvited <br />wherein coin or slug-operated or <br />elactronic:a.lly, electrically or lIeChanically <br />controlled or operate4 still or IIIOtor picture <br />machin.., projectors of other imaqe-produeing <br />devices are maintained to show imag.. to five <br />cr !:ewlilr p.rsons per mach1ne at anyone tillle" <br />and wbere the imaq811 ao displayed are <br />distinguished or characteri.ed by an emphasis <br />on d.epic:1:1nq or delScribin9 "apeoUied aexual <br />activiti.s" or "specified anatomical areas". <br /> <br />Adult US. - Motion Picture Theater. A builGinq <br />or portion of a buil~ing with a capacity of 50 <br />or .ore parsons uaed t~l1: presentinq mAterial it <br />such wilclinq or portion of a b1.l.11dinq aa a <br />prevailing- practice exclude. minors 'f>y virtu. <br />of ag. or if suCh uterial i. dbtinquished or <br />characterized In' an eJlPhasis on "speCified <br />s$wal activities" or ".pecifieG anatolllical <br />areas" for eklserva'tlon by patrons therein. <br /> <br />Adult USe - Novelty Business. A busineBlI whiQh <br />has ail a principal activity the sale of l:\$vices <br />whiCh stimulate human genital. or devices Which <br />are ~esignad tor ..xual stimulation. <br /> <br />Aclult U.. - Salina. A sauna Which QXclUdes <br />minors by reason of aqs, or which pro.....icle. a <br />.teu 1)ath or beat ~thing ro01ll used tor the <br />purpose of bathing, relaxation, or radUcin9, <br />utiliainq stealll or hot air as a cleaninq, <br />relaxinq or reducinq agent, if the service <br />proviele4 by the saunA is distinquished or <br />charact.-rized by an emphasis on "apeClirled <br />sexual activities" or "spsoit'ill4 anatomical <br />areU. . <br /> <br />Adult Us. - steam ROom/Bathhou.. Facility. A <br />buildinq or po~ion of a 1:Iuildinq used for <br />provielirl'l .. .t.... bath or heat bathinq roam <br />ustld for the purpose of pleasure, 1:lath1nq, <br />relaxation, or reduoing, utililiD'iJ Iiteam or hot. <br />air u a clean1ng, relaxing ar reducing agent. <br />if such 1:Iuil.<1inq or portion af a building <br />restricts lIlinors l>y reallon of aqa if the <br />servioe provided by the Iiteam ream/bathhouse <br />facility i. distin<;uished or characte:rizlld 'f>y <br /> <br />154 <br />