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<br />I <br />I <br /> <br />MAR-27-21301 09' as <br /> <br />C lTY OF L! NO LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.07/19 <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />an _ph.ais on "ape"ifie4 aotiviti_" or <br />"specified anatomical are..". <br /> <br />2. en," 1IIlHlnlUAtOJU The city Administrator of the city <br />of Lino Lakes. <br /> <br />J. X,:tC1IIIIIBBI A person in wbo.. JIUIIl II license to operate an <br />adult use business has been 1s.ullc1, as well .8 the individual <br />listed as an applicant an the applioation for a license. <br /> <br />4. palOI.. An indiv14ua1, proprietorship, partnership, <br />corporation, ...001ation, or other 1..,.1 entity. <br /> <br />!5. SQIlI!l'Ulft:tAL ULMQ8Kl!lIIT1 SUbstantial en1arqlllllerlt of an <br />adult use businesS Illeans the increase in floor area oCClupied tly the <br />bWliness by llIOre that twenty-five (25) peroent, as the floor area <br />existed. on the effective date of thb ordinance. <br /> <br />6. '1'1lAJr8~ 0.. owtll~n:no OR c:OJIftOLI Tran.fer of ownership <br />or aontrol of an adult use business llleans and includes any of the <br />following: <br /> <br />A. The sale, lea.., or sub-lease of the business; <br /> <br />.--' <br /> <br />The transfer of securities wbich oonstitut.e a <br />controLl1nq interest in the bualMs., whether by <br />aale, exohanqe, or aiJllllar lIleanll; or <br /> <br />c. '!:he>lishJ\ent ot a trust, q1ft., or other <br />similar 1eq41 device tranlltera the ownership <br />or control of the D\UlinGlllll, exeept tor tranafer by <br />l:lequeat or other operation of law upon the death of <br />the person po..e.sing the ownership or control. <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />613.03 Classification. <br />classified a8 adult u.eS: <br /> <br />'the <br /> <br />following <br /> <br />uses <br /> <br />are <br /> <br />1. Adult uses-acoeesory. <br /> <br />A. comprise no IlIOre than ten (10) percent. ot the floor <br />area ot the ..tablishment in which it is located. <br /> <br />B. Comprise no lllore than twenty (20) p~oent of the <br />gro.. receipts of the entire bIleine.. operation. <br /> <br />C. Not involved or include any activity except the <br />sale or rental of merchandis.. <br /> <br />2. Mult. usea-principal. <br /> <br />_. <br /> <br />A. <br />8. <br />c. <br />o. <br /> <br />304y painting studio <br />Bookstore <br />Cabaret <br />cOlllpanionship Establishment <br /> <br />155 <br />