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<br />MAR-2'7'-20el 09' el'7 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />B. <br />F. <br />G. <br />Ii. <br />I. <br />J. <br />J(. <br />L. <br />K. <br />N. <br />o <br /> <br />613.04 <br /> <br />C!TY OF L lI-IJ LAKES <br /> <br />651 9822499 p.eS/19 <br /> <br />conv.r.a~ion/Rap parlor <br />Health/Sport Cl~ <br />Hotel or 1iI0i:el <br />Maasaq. Parlor, Haalth Cl~ <br />Mini-Motion Picture Tbeater <br />KOdel!nq studio <br />Motion picture Arcade <br />Kotion picture Theater <br />Novelty Business <br />Sauna <br /> ROOIl/Bathhouse Faoility <br /> <br />LiOtltY'lses. <br /> <br />ReqUired and EXemptl <br /> <br />A. No person, fi:r:m, or corporation shall operat.a <br />an adult ull8.prinaipal without havinq first <br />secured a lic:sense as here1rl provided. <br /> <br />B. Adult use.-acce..ory shall not require a <br />lioense pursuant to this seation. <br /> <br />2. An application for a licsnse must be made on a fon <br /> by the City. ~he application must be <br />aocompanied by a Bketotl or diaqram showinq the <br />configuration ot the prulises, includinq a <br />atatuent of total floor space occupied by the <br />busine.s. The ..tch oX' diaqram need. not be <br />protessionally prepared. but 111.IIIIt be drawn to a <br />d..iqnat.ed scale or drawn with market db.ensions of <br />the incerier of the pr_i... to an accuraoy of plus <br />or minus six (6) inche.. Applicants who llI.l.1St <br />comply with SUbdivision 61.3.17 of the SecUon 1llhe.1l <br />s\l.blllt a cUagrUl maet.inq the requ.iruents at that <br />subdivision. <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />3. The applioant IIIUIIt be qualified acc:orCinq to the <br />pz:oovis1ons of this Section and the pr_isas lIlust be <br />inspectell and foUl'ld to !:le in o01llplianca with the <br />law by the Fire Department and the 8uilding <br />Depe.rtlllent. <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />It a person who willhes to operate an adult us. <br />1:1I1.inesa is an individual, the individualll1ust. sign <br />tlIe application for a licenll8 all applicant. If a <br />pertlon who ",ish.. to operate an ac1ult usa businelils <br />i. othar than an individual, eacn individUlll who <br />has a ten (10) percent or qreater interest in the <br />business lIust silpl the application for a license .s <br />applicant. Bach applicant lIlI1st :be qualified. under <br />Subdivision 613.05 and each applicant. shall !:Ie <br />considered a licansee if a license is qrantad. <br /> <br />156 <br />