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<br />Mffi-27-2001 09~ ~r? <br /> <br />CITY OF UNJ LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.09/19 <br /> <br />,..... <br /> <br />613.05 <br /> <br />ISsuah08 O~ Licanse <br /> <br />1. The City Administrator shall approve the issuance <br />of a license to an applicant within thirty (30) <br />days atter receipt of an applioation unless the <br />A4lDinistrator finds one or 1IIore of the followinq to <br />be true: <br /> <br />A. An appliclU1t i. unaer eiqht/ilBn (18i yearfi of <br />lllq.. <br /> <br />B. The appliclllnt i. cielinquent in his or her <br />payment to the oity of tax.., ree., fines, or <br />penal ti.. .......ed il.IJainst hiln or her or <br />ill\posecl upon hilll or har in rlillation to a <br />.exually-o~ientaci ~sines.. <br /> <br />c. An applicant has failed to provide inforlllation <br />reasonably neces.ary for i.suan~e of the <br />licen.e o~ has falsely answered a que.tion or <br />requ.eet fOr inf~tion on the applicil.tion <br />form. . <br /> <br />r-. <br /> <br />D. An applicant has been convioted. of a viglation <br />of . provi.ion of this Section within two (2) <br />years immediately >>recedinq the application. <br />The faot that a conviction is beinq appealed <br />shall no effect. <br /> <br />E. An applicant is residing with a person who has <br />been denied a lio.ns. by the city to operate an <br />adult 1,1_ ~.iness within the precedinq twelve <br />(l~l montha, or residing with a pe~son whose <br />licens. to operaee an adult use business has <br />been :z:evokl4 within the preoedinq twelva (12) <br />1l\Onths . <br /> <br />J'. The preai.e. to ~ used for the adult use <br />w.ine.. hava not been app~oved. bY the Fire <br />DapartDent and the Building Official as being <br />in compliance with applicable laws and <br />ordinances. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />G. The licenllle fae required by this section has <br />not been paid. <br /> <br />H. An app1iClAnt has been employed in an adult use <br />sexually-oriented ~sine8. in a managerial <br />capacity within the prececHnq twelve (12} <br />months and has dlllllOnstrated that he or ahe ill <br />unable to operate or manage an adult ua.. <br />~eine.s prpb.. in a peaceful and law-abiding <br />mann.~, thus necessitating 'lotion by law <br />enforcement officers. <br /> <br />157 <br />