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<br />M"f<-2'7-2GOl 09: 08 <br /> <br />,-- <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />C lTY OF LI I-D LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.l0/19 <br /> <br />r. An applicant or the proposed establisbl1lent is <br />in viola~ion of or is not in coaplianca with <br />the cit.y Code. <br /> <br />J. An applicant or an applicant'. spouse has <br />):lee convicted of a crille: <br /> <br />1. Involving- any ot the fOllowing offenses: <br /> <br />a.. <br /> <br />in <br /> <br />Prostit.ution all clall=il::led <br />Minnesota Statut.. 609.321; <br /> <br />b. SOlicit:aticn, i.nd'l"..........t ot pr01llOtion <br />of prostitution as described in <br />Hinnasota statutes 609.322; <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />Receiving profit <br />prostitution as <br />Minnesota Statutes <br /> <br />derived <br />d..cribec1 <br />609.323 , <br /> <br />from <br />in <br /> <br />d. other prchib1 ted acts relating to <br />prostitution liS deacribed in <br />Minnesota 609.334; <br /> <br />e. obscenity.a describsd in Kinnesota <br />statutes 617.241; <br /> <br />f. <br /> <br />Sal., l1i..em1nation, dish-ibution, <br />display or exhibit.ion of barmful <br />material to minors as de.cribed in <br />Minn.sot.a Stat.ute. 617.293 and <br />617.394; <br /> <br />q. Sexual performanoe by a child. as <br />d.sorilled in Minn.sota stat.ute. <br />617.246; <br /> <br />h. Diasellination or possession of child <br />pornoqraphy as described in Hinnesota <br />statutes 617.247; <br /> <br />i. Indecent exp<lsura as: described in <br />M1nnaaota statutes 617.23; <br /> <br />j. Criminal .exual conduct aa desc:ribed <br />in Kinnesota statute. 609.342; <br />609.343, 609.344, and 609.345, <br /> <br />k. Incest. ae described in Minnesota <br />Statute. 609.365, or <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />Criminal attempt, conspiracy, or <br />lilolicitation to QOIIlIIit any of the <br />foregoing otfens.s; <br /> <br />158 <br />