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<br />For which: <br /> <br />11. LeSlI than two (2) y_r. have elapsed <br />since the date of conviction or the <br />date of releas. frolll confinement <br />ll11poaed for the conviction, whichever <br />is the later dat.e, if the oonviction <br />1. of a misdemeanor offen..; <br /> <br />b. Less than five (5) years have elapsed. <br />sinoe the date of conviction or the <br />date of rele.ase. froll\ confinament, <br />whichever is the later date, if the <br />conviction is of a felony offense j or <br /> <br />c. LesS than five (!5) years have elapsed <br />since the aate of the last conviotion <br />or the date of release froll! <br />confinement for the last conviction, <br />whichever is the later date, if the <br />conviotions are of two (2) or mora <br />misdemeanor offenses or cClllll:lination <br />of lIIied_sanor occurring <br />within any twenty-fOur (24) month <br />period . <br /> <br />lC. The fact that a conviction is being app.aled <br />shall have not effect on the disqualification <br />of the applioant or applioant's spouse. <br /> <br />~IAR-27-2Q01 00: 08 <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />....... <br /> <br />C IT,' OF L I rD LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.~1/19 <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />L. An applioant who has been convicted or ~hose <br />SPOUliI$ has been convicted of an ottense listed <br />in Section 613.05. (1). (J). (1) may qualifY <br />tor an adult use Wiliness lieemlle only when the <br />time period J:equired hy Section 61.3.05. (1.). <br />(J). (2) has elapsed. <br /> <br />M. Tb. license, if qranted, shall stat. th. nalle <br />of the parson or persons to Wholl it ill sz-anted, <br />the expiration dat., ancl the address of the <br />adult use bllsines.. The license shall be <br />posted in a oonspicUous place at or near the <br />entrance to the ac:lult Wle sexually-oriented <br />business so that it may be easily read at any <br />till\e. <br /> <br />613.06 L!cange :tees: Licen"''' Investi....tion Fees. The <br />ennual foe for an adult use business license shall be set by <br />resolut.ion of the city council. 'rJle inv.atiqation fee for tn. <br />purpose of issuinq a license shall be set by r..olution of the city <br />Counoil. :In the event that the license is d..niael upon ..pplioation, <br />the license fee ahall be refundec:l; however, no part of the licen.. <br />,... investiqation fee shall bA returned to the epplioant. No part of <br />the annual licen.A tee shall be r.fundGd. if the. license is <br />suspcande4 or revoked. <br /> <br />159 <br />