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<br />~lPR-2'7-32l01 09' 09 <br /> <br />613.07 <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />613.08 <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />:iI. <br /> <br />613.09 <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />CITY OF LIfD LAKES <br /> <br />651 9822499 P.12/19 <br /> <br />InSDeei:ion. <br /> <br />An applioant or licensee snall perll\it <br />representative. of the Polio. Department, Fire <br />Department, and. Build.inq InspeClt10n Division to <br />inspect the premi.e. of an adult u.e bu.iness for <br />the purpose of 1nsurinq coJIPlianca with the law, at <br />any time it is occupied or open for busines.. <br /> <br />A person who operates an aclul t use business or <br />their agent or llIIployee c01lIlIits an offense if the <br />person retuses to penait a lawful inlil'PBction of the <br />premis.s by a repre.entative of the police <br />Departllent at any ti1lle it is occupied or Clpen for <br />busin..s. <br /> <br />The provisicms of this section ao nat apply to <br />areaill of an adult motel which are beillg <br />rented by it CUSt011lU for use u a pUlllll.nent or <br />temporary habitat.ion. <br /> <br />EXDira~ion or Lio.nsa <br /> <br />Each renewal 1108JU18 Shall be issued for a _XimWII <br />period of one (1) year. All liclIIlses expire on <br />Deceml:Jer 31 of each yeiU'. Bach 11cenae may l:Ie <br />renewed. only by maJcinl1 aPilica'tion as provided ill <br />Section 613.04. Apphcat on tor renewal ahall I:IG <br />made at leaet ninety (90) clay. l:Iefcre the <br />expiration date. If the city Administrator <br />determines qoocl and suffioient caus. is shown by <br />the a.ppl1cant tor failure t.o file a timely renewal <br />application, the City AdIlIinist.rator may, it oUlar <br />provisions of the section are cOlI]j)lied with, grant <br />the application. <br /> <br />When the city AdlIliniet.ra'tor denies renewal of a <br />licslUIe, the app.1..l.cant; ahall not be i.euad a <br />license for one (1) year frOlll the dat.e of cSenial. <br />If I lIubsequent to elenial, the city Ac1IIinlet.rator <br />finds that the baa18 for denial of the rentnlal <br />license has been C:Cl.rectecl or abated, the applicant. <br />_y I:IG granted a license if at least ninety (90) <br />aays have elapsed. sinoe the cl.ate denial bec_a <br />final. <br /> <br />susDanslon. Tbe city Administrator Jlli.l.y s'Ulilpend a <br />license for a period not to excalll1 thirty (30) days <br />following written notice and an opportunity to be <br />heard it the Acainistrator deterlllinee that a <br />liceneea or an employee of a lioensee has: <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />Violated or 1s not in compliance with this <br />ordinance; <br /> <br />160 <br />