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<br />MRR-27-3a01 09: 10 <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />1513.10 <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />CIW OF L;NCl LRKES <br /> <br />651 9822499 P.13/'19 <br /> <br />Engaged in exce..ive use of alcoholiC! bev.rages <br />While in the adult u.e .~ally.oriented business <br />premise.; <br /> <br />Refused to allow an inspection of the adult use <br />business preJllises as authorized by this section; <br /> <br />Knowinqly perIIitted unlawfulqlDlbling by any person <br />on the adult use business prai...; <br /> <br />DeIlOnstrated inability to operate or manag- an <br />a.dult us. business in a peaceful and law-abidinq <br />manner, thus necessitatinq action by law <br />enforcement Officers. <br /> <br />RAVlX1Ilt:ion. <br /> <br />'l'he oi ty AcbIiniatrator 'IIlllY revoke a lic.nse <br />preceded by written notice and an opportunity to be <br />heard if a caus. of suspension in Section 613.09 <br />occurs ancl the U.csnse haa baen suapendsd within <br />the preceding- t.wel ve (12) IIOnthe. <br /> <br />The Ci'l:y Adll1.niltrator uy :revoke II license if the <br />city A4lIinis"a'l:or det.ermines thatl <br /> <br />A. A liceneee gave false or lIIisleading infonl&tion <br />to the city during the applicat.ion prooeSs, <br /> <br />B. A licenII.. or an emplOY" has knowingly allowed <br />pose.seion, uss, or sale of controlllld <br />sUbStances on the premi..., <br /> <br />C. A licensee or an aployee has knowingly allowed <br />prostitution on the pr8lllises; <br /> <br />D. A licensee or an employee knowinqly operated <br />the adult us. !:l\ain... durinq a period of t.ime <br />when the licansee's lioense was suspended. <br /> <br />II. A lioensee hu been convicted at. an ot.fense <br />li.ted in s.ct:ion 613.0~. (1). (J). (1) for <br />Which the time period required in section <br />613.05. (1). (J). (2) has not elapsed; <br /> <br />F. On two (2) or IIOre acc.sions within I!I t,w.lve <br />(12) months period, a per.on or persons <br />cOllllllitt.ed an otfance occurring in Dr on the <br />licensed pr8lllie.e ot a cri1ue list.ed in Section <br />613.05. (1). (J). (1), for which a conviotion <br />has Dean obtaJ.J1c, and. the person or persons <br />were employees of the adult use wain.a. at the <br />ti1ll8 the Offens.. were COlIIIlitted; <br /> <br />161 <br />